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  #331   ^
Old Sat, May-24-08, 08:03
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P.S. Kristie, I know what you mean about only being able to eat so much at a sitting. I really do think that's been an issue for Ian also.

P.P.S. I'm still using the Gerber Gentle Flow plastic bottles in place of the Avent, but with the Avent nipples and rings. There is leakage once in awhile, but for the most part it's been a very easy transition. And they are much cheaper than the $ I shelled out to try Born Free! Ugh
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  #332   ^
Old Sun, May-25-08, 19:26
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Speak to me of baby gas...stinky, stinky, stinky farts...and lack of poopage. And crying. Lots of crying. Some of it's even from the baby.


Also, hi! I've been lurking for a few weeks now that we're back on dialup (ugh), as well as moving back home and trying to adjust to not being in town, realizing that I really do have to find a part time job (no more than 4 hours a day, though, and no further than 30-45 minutes from home as I'm still pumping) because we are down to pennies. Can't afford to low carb, and am living on wheat, wheat, sugar, and more wheat, eating meat about once a day. Fruit's too expensive, heck, even vegetables are pricey.

But I digress.

Anyhoo, I am conflicted. I've been reading the Baby Whisperer, and have great difficulty with the author's advice concerning independence and putting baby to bed. The Chieftain is almost 3 months old now and has reached the devious stage. Y'know, the one where he likes to fake out the parents. I really want to get him to go to bed in his pack n play by himself, and if I let him fall asleep next to me on the bed, he'll pretty much go into the pnp without too much fuss. Mr Moonrise has extreme difficulty and usually hands him off to me.

Cutting this story short, my dilemma comes from a) my natural desire not to stress my baby vs b) not instilling bad habits that will haunt me 9 months from now. It turns out that I am one of those people who can't stand to hear their baby cry. I didn't cry during his first round of vaccinations, but I can't take more than 5 minutes of it when Mr Moonrise lets the Chieftain cry himself to sleep. How do I get over that? I can't be the Chieftain's crutch...right? Even though he's ony little? And I can't spoil a baby? How do I indulge myself by holding him, comforting him, when I can already see him taking as much advantage as a 3 month old can? (actually, that's quite funny, especially when he gives 'the frowny lip' while trying hard not to smile at the same time. Seriously, birds could perch on that lower lip when he sticks it out) I guess I can't figure out what to do, take my own advice and treat him the way I feel he should be treated aka Mom Knows Best, or try to utilize the Baby Whisperer's advice while he's still young enough to take to it "easily".

Moving on, what's with the stinky farts? He's moved on to occasional bm's now even though he's still breastfeeding (from the bottle, with the odd latch on me) so there are no new food tummy issues, unless he's getting them from me. I'm trying hard not to eat cheese or milk, but sometimes that's all I've got to eat (I get 20 quarts of milk a month from WIC, plus 4lbs of cheese, and I can't cut down on the milk, alas). He's always phlegmy, but it's worse when he's sleeping at night, and gassy all the time. He wakes up doing the silent screaming cry, all red in the face, tears actually coming down his cheeks...I've got to call the pediatrician on Tuesday anyway for skull shape issues so I'll also ask about getting some baby gas relief, too. But why so gassy in the first place?

Being a new, inexperienced mom and super paranoid, I also wonder about his sometimes extreme hearing sensitivity. He hates his rattle if it's shaken too hard. It's just a plastic rattle with beads in it, but I noticed today when I took him to the local Morris dancing that he didn't like the bells on the dancers' legs, he got very upset until I moved away. I dunno, maybe all babies are like that?



ETA: His eating pattern has changed, too. I'm worried that he's eating for comfort rather than hunger, changing from a hefty meal every 3 hours or so to eating an oz or two every hour, and eating before sleeping...I don't want to set him up for a lifetime of being fat (let's be honest, here) or bad eating habits. Unfortunately Mr Moonrise has a habit of shoving the bottle in the Chieftain's mouth when he's crying, I'll offer the bottle but put it down if he doesn't want it. How to I tell Mr Moonrise to stop his behavior without jumping down his throat?
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  #333   ^
Old Tue, May-27-08, 13:50
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Wow, M...I really feel for you for many reasons, but most expecially because we seem to have a lot in common. If you ever want to e-mail about this stuff, let me know.

But let me see if I can address some things...not sure in what order as I'm dealing with more sleep deprivation from a sore back and a baby learning how to sleep unswaddled.

First, I suspect Chieftan's gassiness and his desire to eat less at a time are related. I felt like Ian really struggled to eat more at a time because he'd start to squirm and have gas and be uncomfy...and a lot of times spit up (related to either a sort of overfeeding or simply a burp/bubble that brought up the liquid). Then he doesn't finish the regular feed and then ends up being hungry in a little bit. So is it comfort eating or rather snacking? And eating before sleeping is just because he's honestly hungry and ran out of time before the nap and needs to eat. See, Ian is going through this too. Now Ian will NOT accept the bottle when he's really upset, but he'll accept the pacifier. Unfortunately everyone in my house is a little paci-crazy and will shove it in his mouth without assessing the situation. But in their defense Ian LOVES his pacifier. I feel like I should be concerned but at some point you have to use your gut and mine says that is what he needs to self-soothe.

And speaking of which, Ian is a VERY sensitive boy. We are only just getting to the point now if you sneeze that he might not have a meltdown. I try so hard to laugh it off after a sneeze and get him to see it as funny. But man, if a door slams somewhere or Daddy sneezes loud, that siren-style "waaaaaaaah" comes on quicker than you can say sensitive-pony-tail-guy. Sometimes I envy those friends who claim their children can sleep through marching bands...don't know what THAT is like. Ian also doesn't sleep much in his car seat. I don't think he likes it because he wants freedom and always wants to see what's going on. I know when I take him out he won't truly nap that way. I'm hoping when I drive my mom to her friends this Friday (3 hours away) that he'll sleep because it's a long highway-style without lots of stops and starts. Wish me luck.

Ok, did I cover everything? Oh, I should also mention I have Ian on Similac's Sensitive R.S. (rice starch). I was doing Enfamil's AR, which is much thicker and in powdered form, but I got the RS on sale and it's much easier for me and Ian seems to dig it. So we'll see. The spitting up is all but gone and for me I'd rather deal with gas than spitting up if I get to choose.

Also he's been eating solid food for about a a pro. He's going to be 21 weeks this week. I've noticed his skin getting less clear so I'm holding off on the oatmeal for a bit and concentrating on veggies right now. Green beans didn't go over big but sweet potatoes are a hit. I've found I need to concentrate on formula first and then do solids. But like everything else it's just constant trial and error.

Feel free to PM or e-mail me, M. I need to run but I hope some of my comments and commiseration helped. Hang in there!
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  #334   ^
Old Tue, May-27-08, 13:54
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P.S. I forgot to mention the crying! I've read the Baby Whisperer too and I have a hard time agreeing with all of it. I don't do CIO because I don't like him crying either. But I do pay close attention to HOW he cries. If it's whiney, he waits longer before I go "help" him. If he's in discomfort, I'm there quickly. The "pick up/put down" option is something we're just now trying to some extent. I've always believed in addressing the need and then putting back down. From the start we've cuddled and then put in his crib while awake or drowsy. We often have to do it many times, but he gets plenty, plenty of cuddling and kisses and love so I feel he's best off sleeping soundly in his crib and we've managed to do it with minimal crying. Swaddling was a big part of that. We're trying to wean him from that right now which is TOUGH because he's waking himself up more. But what can you do.

Again, we can take this offline if you want to chat further. Or we can keep this going here if anyone else can benefit...ladies, just say so!
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  #335   ^
Old Thu, May-29-08, 17:08
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Always good to hear this kind of stuff..

I'm jsut trying to get my little booger on some sort of a schedule now before I go back to work.

She has been really gassy (not sure how much of this depends on what I eat) But I'm using this stuff called "Gripe Water" and it seems to help a TON. I know she usually needs it at around 4 am or so each morning. So if she starts to get squirmy I go and get her some.

My issue right now is getting into the weight loss mode. I've finally hit my spot where I'm not losing weight anymore. So I'm hovering around 182-184 so I have about 20 lbs to lose before I get back to where I was before baby. *sigh*
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  #336   ^
Old Mon, Jun-02-08, 20:47
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Originally Posted by lisaz8605
How anyone could expect me to clean and organize the house and run the business was beyond me.

I never in a million years imagined that having a baby would mean that I would do even less housework than normal, and I'm far from the world's tidiest woman. I wouldn't say I'm messy so much as...lax about picking stuff up. However, having piles of clean laundry stay unfolded on the couch for 3 days? I'm not loving it.

God, I don't know how single moms do it - I am in awe!

Me too! Actually, I'm surprised you haven't just curled up in a little ball with Ian and told everyone that you're taking the week off...

The excellent cookbook, Nourishing Traditions , has recipes for home made formula if you have the time. One is milk based, the other meat based. There's also good advice on feeding babies solids.

As for the Chieftain, I'm beginning to suspect one thing in particular as the cause of the gas...chocolate.'s going bye-bye, and we shall see what happens.

I'm still eating wheat like there's no tomorrow (hello, Ramen) and I'm desperately hoping this won't affect him too badly later on in life. I've been able to buy meat in bulk, but being unemployed and having to drive 30min minutes to the grocery store, things are getting even tighter. I so don't want to work it's not even funny.

I haven't been gaining weight, but I feel pretty terrible all the time. Add in slack of sleep and exhaustion...some days it's hard not to bite my husband's head off. As more time passes I find myself increasingly depressed over bottlefeeding. Everyone tells me I'm doing an amazing job for pumping breastmilk, but I still feel guilty and sad. The Chieftain, when he does manage to latch on, clearly enjoys himself and is so happy it's painful to watch. I'm sure I'll learn to live with it, but I am envious of the mothers who can breastfeed. Yet grateful I don't have to pay for formula - that stuff is expensive!!

Is anyone else having physical stuff going on? And by that I mean intense groin and upper thigh pain? I'm still walking like I'm pregnant, and getting up off the couch is an adventure in 'No, I don't need a walker, thank you'. I'm trying to take daily walks with the Chieftain in his sling, but I've now injured my back and between the pain and the biting bugs, we're not out for very long.

On the plus side, the Chieftain is lovely and getting moreso every day. It's all good despite my complaints!

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  #337   ^
Old Wed, Jun-18-08, 08:37
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Originally Posted by Moonrise

Is anyone else having physical stuff going on? And by that I mean intense groin and upper thigh pain? I'm still walking like I'm pregnant, and getting up off the couch is an adventure in 'No, I don't need a walker, thank you'. I'm trying to take daily walks with the Chieftain in his sling, but I've now injured my back and between the pain and the biting bugs, we're not out for very long.

Hi Moonrise, check out this thread I started a while back about that pain. Luckily, mine is pretty much gone now that baby is almost 5 months. I really do understand, and yes, you probably could use a walker, no joke. I hope you find some therapy to help.
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  #338   ^
Old Thu, Jun-19-08, 10:14
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Hi ladies - I'm thinking of you all often even if I don't post. I just posted an update in my journal along with a picture of Ian. Lora, I'm so glad you linked M to that thread. I remember reading her question and not being able to function sufficiently (mentally) to remember where that was. Things have been tough - I won't lie. But I'm finally on a good path in terms of eating and exercising. Granted they are both different than I expected...far more moderate carb and a whole new kind of exercising. But the key is to find what WORKS and anyone who suggests that things should just go back to the same after you have a baby has...well...never had a baby!

Hope you're all well and that your (not so little) ones are healthy and happy!
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  #339   ^
Old Sun, Jun-22-08, 18:05
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I'm checking in, too!

On the lc tip, well, that's going horribly. I haven't weighed myself in weeks, but judging by the hardness of my belly, I'm clearly gaining. This depresses me so much I eat more sugar to compensate. What's worse is that I don't even want it, most of the time. I've started eating oatmeal, though, to keep my milk supply up - yes, I'm still pumping. I will do so until he decides he wants to start solid, which, judging by the way he watches when we eat (and he whines until he can eat at the same time, too, lol), should be soonish, maybe another 5-6 weeks or so.

The Chieftain is now over 15lbs, but I don't know how tall he is. He's started squeaking, which is hilarious in a 'you're hurting my ears' kind of way. Hard to believe he's almost 4 months old.

I got a part time job at a local grocery store, 20 hours a week - on a rota schedule. I will be going insane, as my standard amount of sleep is 4 hours a night. I don't get afternoon naps any more and am trying desperately not to rage everytime my (unemployed) husband complains about how little sleep he gets, because that 14 hours a day just isn't enough, I guess. If he did more stuff around the house (he does do laundry...his own!) maybe I'd feel differently/better/less like a slave, but nothing I say makes a difference. I suppose I'll get used to it eventually, if I don't turn into a zombie first. Oh, and I'm subbing at one of my old jobs, but I don't yet know how many hours I'll get a month. Probably less than ten, and on an emergency basis, but you never know.

I've been very stressed over the money situation. I'll be earning around $450 a month less gas and taxes, and I have no idea how I'm going to buy heating oil this winter (now $4 a gallon). We're going to buy a used wood stove, if I can find one, yet already I'm panicking about buying wood (currently $250 a cord, up $125 from this time last year). I won't talk about the car troubles.

Well, that was about as upbeat as this post is going to get.

Oh, Algts, in regrds to the psd, I never thought I had that because while painful and annoying, it doesn't keep me from doing stuff, albeit slowly? I also can't afford to see the doctor, so, y'know...

M, who has a migraine, out.
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