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  #541   ^
Old Fri, Mar-26-21, 07:33
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Lori- I can hear your spring joy with golf (yay for a good game!) and being outside and active. Between all that and having seen your sister, life is good! We are supposed to have a warm but windy day here as well.

Jaz- Glad you got there and back. Long way to go just for a doctor visit. I hope the visit went well. Do you start work this Monday or further out?

Trig- LOLOLOL on the kid being too quiet. I tell ya, there is a narrow window, am I right? I heard about the bad weather down south yesterday. Glad you all are fine.

Hiya Blue!


Well, yesterday was a day around here. Nothing serious, just the blues setting in.

So, I have a lot of intolerances to antibiotics, most notably breathing issues when I have penicillin. Luckily I rarely ever take them, ever. And if I do have to, a Z pack usually works well for me. Well, because of the dog bite and it being deep, chance of infection etc, I have to be on a heavy hitter abx. The one I am on has a 3 page warning bc it is a black box drug- most notably can cause tendon ruptures.

I went to toss the paperwork and saw that 3 page printout and freaked. Called my Dr and said get me off of this, I don't want to take it. Give me anything but a penicillin based drug. She researched it and said that to manage that, she would have to prescribe two antibiotics, for 14 days, that would tear my stomach up beyond belief. She said it would be far worse than the other one for 10 days, she was sure of it. So, I am staying on the 10 day one. The CRAPPY PART is that I can't play sports for TWO MONTHS. TWO MONTHS.

My dudes, that makes me so sad.

Pickleball is pretty much what is on my schedule these days and now that has just vaporized.

I am improving but still having some issues with certain types of mobility with my right hand. That also led to the meltdown. Plus having to ask for help (which I HATE) and then having to KEEP asking because the men in my family were forgetting or not doing what I asked them to do. Remember, I was gone last week, so things would ordinarily be more up to date (shopping, cleaning, laundry) - it was like coming back from vacation and then not being able to do all the things you normally do.

So yeah, it all built up. And I had a big boo hoo on the couch and felt sorry for myself for a little while. Then I said F it and went to drop off a library book, went to Walgreens to get better bandages, and went to the grocery store.

The wife of the dog-owning family brought over dinner last night. It was very nice of her to do- she asked about a place we like to eat and brought dinner, dessert and some beer for DH. However, it also appears that 'unless the dog shows aggression around children' that are planning to work with a behavioral trainer to address issues with the dog.

Okay, well, see ya, then. I cannot get over the utter foolishness of this decision. Do they not understand that what happened could have been LETHAL? Do they not understand that you can try to plan for every scenario but it may not work, and the result of that will be another dog attack, possibly on a CHILD? I cannot even tell you how boggled my mind is by this. And I am trying not to take is personally but damn, I am having a lot of trouble with that.

They will be paying my medical bills and then she said that they were going to try to give me 1000$ for pain and suffering if they could manage it. Chick, I don't want your money. I want you to not be stupid. I don't even want to SEE you again. Up until this point I have had no blame for them at all. Accidents happen. But for this decision I DO blame them and I have a complete loss of respect. I had to bite my tongue hard.

So yeah, a lot of stuff going on yesterday. Plus my hormones are deciding to jump in for the ride, with some spotting yesterday. Because why not, right? GROUP HUG OMG.

So yeah, there will be some mopey-ness going on over here while I try to adjust to my new no-sports mentality and my big fat empty calendar. I don't even know if I can do things like hike. Ugh.

On a different note, DS22's fiancee's mom went to the hospital in an ambulance and had to spend the night. She had a gyn biopsy done and it would not stop bleeding. She ended up having to get a 2L blood transfusion. DS and Fi were like 'What is it with our moms and ambulances and hospitals this week?'

DS22 leaves for NC for a week and two days today after his work day. However, DD has the week off for spring break (we were planning to go somewhere) so she'll be able to keep me company a little bit here and there. I'll have DS22 wash my hair again before he goes today.

Hugs, all.

Edited to add, went for a 2.5 mile walk around the lake in the sunshine. That helped! I'm also supposed to avoid sun while on this but whatever. lol

Last edited by niccofive : Fri, Mar-26-21 at 11:55.
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  #542   ^
Old Fri, Mar-26-21, 20:52
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I have a ton to respond to...../NIC/ Lori/ Trig?Blue- dotter today- juicy post in am -
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  #543   ^
Old Sat, Mar-27-21, 03:20
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Good Morning!

Nic.....I am in shock about the decision of the "dog people". How on earth could you have a dog like that around your children? They want to wait and see???? Unbelievable.

I'm sorry that the meds you're on have that worrying side effect. I've been on one of those class of antibiotics before.....a long time ago. You would wonder how tendon rupture could be caused by a pill?? I questioned my Dr. about it too when I read that. I'm sorry your PB has to be put on the back burner for now, but you'll get back there. At least you can get out for some easy walking in the sunshine.


After yesterday's "hungry" day, the scale is up 2 lbs. I know it's not fat, but still don't like seeing a higher number. I didn't go completely off the rails or anything, but there it is. Hoping it goes as quickly as it came.

I'll be heading to the golf course around 11 this morning. Looking forward to another day of being out in the sun and chasing that dang little ball around. Here's the routine: SWING, SWEAR, GO FIND THE BALL......REPEAT.

Have good days!
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  #544   ^
Old Sat, Mar-27-21, 04:20
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Lori, too funny....swing, swear, go find the ball had me laughing. Yea that up scale, ahh, you will get rid of that but like you I sure hate seeing it
ENJOY your day! Out and about in the fresh air! sorry on the pickleball. You were becoming a PB star for sure and it is a long down time but you gotta do what ya gotta do! I know you will come thru ok.

Let it go, let it go, let it go. Those people are gonna do whatever crazy thing they want ya know....and you have to remember you went thru drama and big trauma.....SO YOU take your time to process it all ya know. Forget their crap, forget them as clients and more....just let it wash over you and worry about taking care of you. I sure wish none of that visit went down for ya like that. SO SO sorry you got all this on your plate! Take big time to breathe here ya know. Chill out any way you can wishing you the best thru it all! And you will be ok!

Jaz, need a check in!!

-----------nothing doing
hubby working today
will see what day brings
kinda in a 'mood' ya know LOL well not really but feel blah. Just whatever, got a clogged allergy head, just SO SO anxious to hit my trip and freakin' get a change of scenery before I go brain dead.

Hit store yesterday with kid and got her art stuff.

then we hit Target and got some tshirts to crap around in
then she bought makeup....damn she racked up the bill at that point. Makeup is expensive for what it is ya know....kid wanted 'certain brands' and got some stuff to experiment with LOL Mascara is hard for her HAHA She takes out her eye all the time and is a smudge maniac LOL Funny watching her find 'her look' ya know.

other than all that nothing much going down.
over and out and be good all
something tells me a few rum drinks are in my day later tho HA
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  #545   ^
Old Sat, Mar-27-21, 06:56
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Good Morning-

NIC- I am furious after reading your post. What kind of people are they???? If the dog doesn't kill a kid all is well?!?!?!?! I want to cuss for you! OMG - and that is......... This is mind blowing to me.
OF COURSE you need to take their money and they need to be grateful you don't SUE them. This is effecting your life and I hope to the heavens you do not have any permeant damage to your nerves or scares and the list goes on.
I am utterly mad. So another person goes in and watches the kid and dies........What about a grandma that makes the mistake of picking the kid up? I can't wrap my mind around it.

On the other hand....(((((((( hugs))))) (((((hugs)))))) and another ((((hug)))))......... girl what you have been through is the stuff nightmares are made of. You have every right to be weepy! OMG...........
I am happy it wasn't your least you can get out and walk!

Make a list for things that need done and if the men can't help- see about getting a helper for a month. DO NOT exert yourself. Again- I would wrap that cost into what you get from that family.
Actually the cost would come out of liability from their home owners insurance. I know your hubby knows all this. But do get something. If you waive it off they will see it as no big deal. Sounds like they are doing that anyway.

Ok- I am calming down......... now that I know you are going to be ok.......... just please take care of you...and GET HELP! No need to be Wonder Woman just yet!
Are you able to get your arm wet????
How are you doing with the antibiotic? Did the doctor tell you to eat live yogurt for the probiotic? Last thing you need is a yeast infection related to antibiotic. Of course it goes without saying to cut sugar 100% for healing!
one last ((((((hug))))))))

- Oh boy those storms were no joke. I missed them by a hair! I left Atlanta and drove in the heavy rain and by the time I hit Macon the sun was out and when I arrived here on the island there had been no rain.
My son said that Ohio got hit hard! He lost power and his internet was down all day yesterday!

Quiet teenager huh? Remember when I said maybe a year ago when she turned 13 that at some point she would go to bed and "Invasion of the body snatchers" would occur? HEHEHEHEHE- They will return her at some point! HAHAHAHAHAH- it's all good. She is just learning her path. What is hard is she now has almost a grown up body and the head has not caught up. Woman/Child is a hard place to be!!!!- add in hormones and you get a double whammy!

Glad you got your shopping in with your mom. She is feisty at her age- I LOVE THAT!

You had me rolling with lapping up butter. Isn't butter nectar from heaven!!!!????
You got this! No question......

Lori- Are you feeling better today? I am sure you are in your element and playing golf as I type this!
I think the video are great- but active in golf is better. It uses all your body and you are outside and walking. Just a great sport! Videos are great when you have to be inside- but don't feel guilty about not doing them everyday anymore.
You have a great work out- more natural anyway!
Enjoy your weekend!!!!!

Blue- hiya
I was tuckered out yesterday!
I ended up getting 2 big monitors, a thousand cables, a modem, and keyboard. I had to put everything together. I was SO frustrated as there were no instructions what goes where.
So I called IT to get help- no ENGLISH speaking person. I finally face timed my son who walked me through set up.

Then I get a nasty email from this company stating my background check is not done and if they find "something" I will be terminated at once. I am not happy. I ask for 2 solid weeks why they had not started the back round check when I first accepted the position. Now I get a nasty gram?????

Top that with they have outsourced the background check to a very incompetent company - they have been asking for my tax returns since 2014?!?!?! WTF? I have NEVER had to give TAX info to a company to get hired. I am about ready to pack up everything and tell them to shove it.
I am not getting a great impression of this company at all. I feel they are very disconnected and stuff falls through the cracks and then the employee gets blamed.
I get this BEFORE day one!

So all that being said- I will start. If it doesn't work out so be it. My goal was to keep it long enough to pay off my car- everything else is gravy.
I no longer really care about companies. I know that sounds rough, but companies do not care about employees.
So I will care for the patient and do right by them- and again, anything else is gravy.

Yes, I start Monday. I saved all the boxes per request. They came with return prepaid packaging..........what does that say???????
Wow, just wow.

Eating for last 2 days have been sh!t. Off the rails crap. Travel eating can really derail me. I do well in my own kitchen- but grabbing food on the road can be rough.
I am back on plan. I got good sleep last night and ready to get back on track!
Feeling bloated and well.... we all know what crap eating feels like!

So last night I hung our for a little bit with one of those ladies I met last week. This one is the rich artist! She owns several homes in Nantucket and rents them out and travels to all these beach towns to paint. She also shows her paintings to several high end galleries up north.

We are about the same age. She has some kin folks here on the island which is why she is here for several months. She said she is thinking about moving here. She will keep her homes up north though.
She and I are so opposite extremes. She is more of an introvert deep thinker and says everything very measured. We all know me...... very cool.

Went to the pool for a late night swim. water was warm and the air was cool. I was so tired when I got back here I fell into bed!

Today I just want to hit the beach and be tourist for the weekend before I start work!

Thawing meat for LC sloppy Joe or a meat loaf- I have some sausage I could pop with it and toss together and bake it.
It's all good.
That is all from my corner of the world.

Chat later- Have a great day ladies!!!!

Last edited by Jaz66 : Sat, Mar-27-21 at 07:01.
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  #546   ^
Old Sun, Mar-28-21, 05:42
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so gray dreary day

got a clogged up ear and sinus on one darn side. off to take some pills before I do anything else

big rain today but lightening and thunder is cool to watch.

not sure how the day will go but checking in and will come back later to chat up. My mood is OFF right now HAHA
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  #547   ^
Old Sun, Mar-28-21, 06:00
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Good Morning!

Gray & rainy here too, Trig. Tomorrow windy & cold......that was a quick golf season!

Jaz....hope your new job goes better than you're thinking it will. Hopefully, you can stick it out for a bit and sock away some $$$.

Nic.....hope you and DD can have some fun this week. It'll be good to have some company to break up your days.


Had a good time playing golf yesterday. Didn't play great, but so-so. We joined up with 2 other ladies from the club & had a nice day.

I was so tired last night that I went to bed at 8 o'clock! I was just bonked. Didn't sleep particularly well, kind of restless. Today I'm just puttering around the house. Going to throw some ribs in the oven for dinner tonight. Easy meal to make. I may get a nap in today after doing a Pahla exercise video.

Have a good Sunday!
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  #548   ^
Old Sun, Mar-28-21, 06:41
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Good Morning Ladies!

Missed the rain here but the air could use a good "cleaning" out from all the pollen.

Lori- You ribs sound delish! Do you make slaw with those? I have not been into pork much these days- I just kill it. My ribs/ roasts have been dry lately.

Yay on another great day golfing! I know you are in "full SWING" HAHAHAH- we can start spring/summer!!!!!!

Trig- Surprised you got rain yesterday! I must be out of your weather pattern now. Add another 5 hours south of Atlanta and I guess I am. What is funny that on the radar it might look like we are getting tons of rain and actually it is blowing from EAST TO WEST. Comes off the coast and blows over the island to main land. How weird is that!!!! I am not used to that. It seems backwards.

I am solid back on track. speaking of..... you are really building up your following on the other thread! Good for you! Although we are more than just meals and carbs here..... as we are friends. I drop in and lurk every now and again to get recipe ideas. Your recipe on Alfredo gave my gut a lurch!!!!!!
Lucky you...... and dairy! Yup- on slurping butter!!!!!! Thank goodness I can still do butter. But I only like Kerry Gold.

What are ya doing today? Sun out yet? Hope you feel better. Those sinus ....yikes! Allergies??????

NIC- updates when you can. So thinking about that arm of yours.
Yesterday was a shop/errand/ and pool day.
It was HOT- almost 90 and HUMID. I have a feeling those two words will become my staple here. Hot/Humid! -

Yes- I am having to change my attitude and thinking about this position. Needless to say they have not left a great first impression. But I will try to go in with an open mind.

Got all my grocery shopping done for the week. So all set there. Made LC sloppy Joe. Put it in a romaine leaf- topped with sheep cheese and taco sauce and a spoonful of salsa! OMG yum! Had two! Good to go! Leftover today and happy about it!

Not much going on today. Not sure If I want to bike to beach or not, going to be hot. It is too early for me to being saying that!!!! I need to suck it up and go! I know I will feel better.

Ok- back later.............
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  #549   ^
Old Sun, Mar-28-21, 08:27
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Howdy Ho, Ladies!

Trig- I find your kid so interesting. She is into gaming and tech, into makeup too. I don't know why I tend to think of those as mutually exclusive but somehow I do. How is she doing with her classes? I have one friend whose kid is in high school and she is absolutely struggling in a big way. Your kiddo seems to be handling all of this quite well overall.

Sorry about the stuffiness and congestion etc with allergies. Hopefully the rain will help.

Jaz- I felt so much better after you tantrummed for me. That was fabulous!!

I hope your concerns about this job are unfounded but yeah, they are not making a stellar start with things yet. I really loved your long newsy email the other day.

And yeah girl, you can't be avoiding the heat this soon in the season!

Lori- Look at you just tossing ribs in the oven "easy meal to make"- weren't you a rib cooking newbie fairly recently? Good on you!

"Short golf season" Consider it a brief recovery break so you can get cozy with Pahla again.


Like most of you, we have rain today and a lot of it. Good day to just hang out inside. DH is going to pickleball from 11-1, DS22 is OOT with the fiancee, DD and SoIL are in Ocean City visiting his parents and of course DS19 is at college.

So DD and I decided to do a mini trip from Tuesday-Thursday to Lancaster, PA. We enjoy going and enjoying the Amish culture. I used to take the kids annually to a place called Dutch Wonderland, and we would stay at a cute little working farm where the kids could gather eggs, play with the farm kittens etc. And of course we would go to Hershey Park also. Just a fun area. She and I are both vaccinated so that's nice.

Otherwise things are going relatively fine here. Arm is healing, hand movement is about 90 percent with issues remaining with rotation and with my middle finger. I probably will keep the appointment with the hand specialist- it may just be that I need PT or something. Got a 2.5 mile walk in yesterday.

That's about it from here though, I think. Looking forward to next weekend when I can take showers and baths again.

Oh and dog owner update, which I will then probably stop talking about for a while bc I am annoyed, are currently keeping the dog. I got a form from their county in which I am supposed to submit an affidavit, so I will do that.
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  #550   ^
Old Sun, Mar-28-21, 17:26
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Hey ladies!
Sorry about the rain it looks like everyone but me and Blue are getting! However, after checking the radar- I have a big time storm about 2 hours away and closing in! So it's coming. I at least did a 3 mile beach walk and and then hit up the pool in my floaty and then went shopping for a Computer tray.

They used to call them TV trays- but now we use them for our laptops, remotes, and wine. Side tables that fold down and hold what we need these days. They are also adjustable and lightweight. A far cry from TV dinner trays of the 50/60's ! remember those awful looking things!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH

NIC- I am glad you are able to get around and you seem to be healing well. I would still make them pay for everything and THEN SOME, just to send a message!!!! But I won't get on that tangent!
Ya, it made me furious! But I have to look at the bright side- you are here and doing well NIC.

HI ALL!!!!
Spent a few minutes after dinner arranging my new "work" space and moving some furniture around to give me more workable functional space. The big bulky coffee table got pushed to the window and I popped a really pretty shell dish in the middle of the table. It is a large blue and white tiled dish I am using to put shells in I collect on the beach. I love it- and it just opens up the living area.

I also pushed the dining room table up against the wall and removed the chair that was on that side. Since I won't be sitting there due to the computers it gives me 3 more feet of room. Just little changes like that are making a workable difference.
Not I just need to remember to put everything back! HAHAH

I will be here in this condo at least 2 more months. So I need to make it work, and more "mine".

Well - tomorrow the "big" day.
My day starts at 8:30 and runs till 5.
I already made my dinner for tomorrow and will have coffee ready and a fresh notebook and fresh pen! Ready to go.

I still have though a few hours left of island time and getting to watch the tourment chef cook off! Love that show!

Have a great evening.
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  #551   ^
Old Mon, Mar-29-21, 04:46
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Good Morning!

Trig.....hope your sinus issues are starting to ease. So miserable. I wish Spring/Summer would just get here to stay!

Jaz....sounds like you're ready to hit the ground running this morning. Do you have some training sessions first? Once you get going, you'll have to give us a quick explanation of your duties. Hope you didn't get a bad storm last night.

Nic....I hope you and DD have a nice time in Lancaster. My sister lived in that area for 40+ years, so I spent a good bit of time there. She used to live right off Rt. 30, that goes right past Dutch Wonderland. Her address was Paradise, PA! She was about a mile or so back from Rt. 30.


Today is cold & windy. Just holding on for a beautiful day tomorrow on the golf course. One day and then back to rain & ugh. I want days and days of sun & 80's! Is that too much to ask?

DH has to take Betty to a Dr. appt around Noon, so I'm going to go to her house and do some cleaning while they're out. I'll change her bedding, clean her bathroom etc. It's easier to do it when she's out and she'll come home to a clean bed to cuddle in to. She'll be exhausted till they get home.

Ok...more coffee please. Have good days!

Last edited by Lori_:) : Mon, Mar-29-21 at 05:01.
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  #552   ^
Old Mon, Mar-29-21, 05:17
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Lori- So sweet of you to get her bedding all fresh and clean. I thought she had a house keeper? Or is her name LORI?!?!?!?!?
Still very sweet!

You will get your sun- it's coming!!!!!

NIC/TRIG/BLUE- Good Morning!
I actually had to set an alarm this morning. I slept well though.
Speaking of clean sheets- I am spinning a load before I have to settle in front of a computer for 8 hours.

So the schedule is 2 weeks of orientation 830-5p every day with a 30 min break.
Then after that I will be put on a "team" depending on need, skill set hours will range from 8-430 or 830-5p.

I will spend this week going through all those videos that are required for all new staff. It is a sleeper week. But all good as I get $$$$$ to watch videos. Then at some point we will get started on the software and how to chart ect........ Then I will be "paired" with someone and then put on a team.
They will have the capacity to listen in every call and watch every key stroke. Trust me they will too!

Ok- I need some coffee........more coffee I guess.......... just one lotto ticket from retirement!

Check in later......
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  #553   ^
Old Mon, Mar-29-21, 06:16
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Lori we got the cold snap too. Had to set the heat again and yea it is on, ugh. Hopefully this is the last cold hoorah and we can start toward real warmer temps now. Cool ya get Betty handled while she is out with your hubby. My mom said the other day making her bed is getting so hard. She said just walking around the 4 corners to get the fitted sheet on is work LOL

Jazz, sounds like a go on that job, will be super interesting to see how it goes down for ya. Hope everything pans out but some bucks in your wallet is never a bad thing. Sounds like you set up an international space station of computers and all HA Can't wait to hear how it all goes down but 'a chain to your chair for 8 hrs' hopes doesn't drive ya batty. You been one free and loose gal for a bit, hang in there!!

Nicco, a mini trip with your DD to get a change of scenery is just what you need! Happy you are going, it will refresh you and give you other things to experience and take your mind off others Cool. Sounds like a very fun time for you guys!! Happy you are healing well and with you being a LCOW gal you will heal better since your health is better ya know.

----------hey all
darn cold came back...BRRR---omgosh come on already LOL
need 80-90 temps cause now I am aching for hotter weather.

ate nice country pork ribs yesterday. can of tuna/mayo

but today I have to eat a Tbone I defrosted, which is no hardship LOL and pair it with ? Not isn't a focus truly right now and that is always good.

sunny and nicer today and those storms moved out 'for a bit' but gonna mow and do other things. omg those storms put every blade of grass and more into full growth status. it's on now! LOL

nothing much more, all good here. over and out
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  #554   ^
Old Mon, Mar-29-21, 15:46
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Jaz- I hope your first day of work goes okay. It would be a helluva shock to go from all the free time you have had to working 8-5. Thinking of you!

The adjustments that you made to your condo for workspace etc sound really good. I am actually impressed that you slept well last night. I am always a mess with sleeping when a big change is coming. The anticipation/ nervousness does me in.

Lori- I know exactly where that is. Some of our best memories with our Littles took place at Dutch Wonderland. I'll have to show you all some pictures sometime. I cannot wait to take my Grands there and relive it again.

You are so sweet and kind to Betty and so is your DH. So much good karma will come back to you, my friend!

Trig- It's on now is right, spring is coming and bringing the grass with it! The hot weather will be here soon enough. I'm ready for a nice stretch of 70 degree days- those are my favorite!


Guess what? Yesterday seemed to be the turning point for me in hand/arm functionality. I am thrilled! I was able to bebop around doing all the things with no issues today. Hooray!!

My youngest is going to kill me, y'all. I mean, I cannot even with that child. He texted me the very end of January (after he'd been there a week or so) that he wished he had packed some gloves. So I got on Amazon and sent him two pair of winter gloves- a thick pair and a thinner pair. Told him they were on the way.

REALLY??? I had to laugh because I have no idea how he is going to function out among the other adults in the world and survive. HA!

Got this text from the Mom Pet Owner a half hour ago. I haven't yet responded because I haven't come up with anything that doesn't sound utterly flippant, like "well at least someone has some sense."

Text: Just talked to the dog behaviorist and her assessment was pretty dire for the dog. I am very shocked and also upset but I heard her. I need to hear if the second expert thinks the same and then develop a strategy for what to do with him.

I actually do get that this is hard and sad for them, in that they have bonded with the dog since Thanksgiving and have seen nothing but sweetness from him. I actually can see and sympathize with that. I do feel badly for the dog too and whatever his previous history was. But that being said, my allegiance goes to the fact that he could MAIM someone else really badly or worse AND that they could be sued for freaking MILLIONS if he does and has a previous bite record.

So, I am not sure the right tone to take with that. Holding off until I figure that one out.

I got a long list of to-do stuff completed today, including buying filet and crab for Easter dinner next Sunday. DD and I leave tomorrow for Lancaster and we come back Thursday afternoon in time for my stitches removal. (yay)

Have a good one!
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Old Mon, Mar-29-21, 19:25
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NIC- OMG hold me back from MY thoughts. Hell.......... I am visualizing some sweet grandma picking up the baby and getting mauled to the point of death- or worse. No kidding. I have NO sympathize for this dog. I LOVE dogs. But this one is vicious. It needs put down. AND AND AND I highly doubt the family went into the detail of exactly what happened to you being trapped in a dam bathroom with no help and in shock and ready to pass out, scared to leave. DID THEY SAY THAT......doubt it.
DAM....... pisses me off for the next poor gal, let alone what you have suffered.

LOLOL on the kid just now getting his gloves..........

Yum on dinner for Easter...... if I start driving now.......I might be there in time .... hahahahah

hope your stuffy nose clears up- allergies sucks!!!!!
Cold front blew through- thought I was good with shorts to take out dog this morning- HAHAHAHAH
Sunny and cold.

Food- last of LC sloppy Joe/ topped with cheese. I will pay for real cheese.
On track. I am listening to some real hard core carnivore videos - loving some pep talks!!!!!!! Good ya know!!!!

Lori- hope you got in your rest day. You can't go full bore ya know everyday. Hope you feel good and ready for the course tomorrow! So jelly........... GO YOU GIRL!!!!!!

I have to laugh.....just am. Adjusting my thinking from frustration to just this is really f'n funny. Cluster F on steroids. We all signed in today - first day from personal computers. There were 70 people in orientation. 35 people didn't even have their equipment yet...... and all 70 of us could not log in. Apparently there was a GLITCH from HR that missed all of our passwords by one number and they all need reset and it will take another 24hours.
So we sat there for 8 hours chatting and doing roll call every hour to make sure none of us left to do something else.

I am so sure all of us were on our other "stuff" we were doing. So no work got done today. we couldn't even get on with our own computer as our passwords were all off. HAHAHAH
It took 4 hours to figure out it was the entire class ...... the instructor had us all sit on hold with IT for hours only to be told they didn't know they would look into it.

I changed my white inspirational board today from "TODAY IS WONDERFUL_ NEW JOB- GREAT DAY BREATHE THIS IS ONLY A PAYCHECK.....

I got a text to go over to my friends condo to help her brine some meat after I got off work. We had a glass of wine and chatted up about an hour. We are really getting to know each other. I really like her.

Going to kick back........ tomorrow is a new day
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