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Old Sat, May-28-22, 17:08
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Originally Posted by cotonpal
What we shouldn't be doing is judging people. Such judgment is generally fueled by arrogance. If we truly want to help someone we need to start from a place of kindness and compassion.

The naturally thin people I know think they are being kind when they tell you that all that anyone who is fat needs to do is to cut out 2nd helpings/stop eating so much/push away from the table/stop eating when you're full/ stop snacking/etc.

They believe this because they claim that they could also gain a lot of weight if they aren't careful. But their idea of gaining a lot of weight is 2 or 3 lbs over the course of a year or two.

When they gain that 2-3 lbs, they will then go on what is supposed to be a 2-week crash diet (which they don't even follow correctly because it requires eating food they hate, so they substitute foods they don't hate), lose those 3 lbs in 2 days, and then go right back to their usual eating pattern without regaining any weight, except very slowly creep back up a couple of pounds in another year or two.

Their logic is that if they could lose 3 lbs in 2 days, and you need to lose 60 lbs, then all you need to do is follow their crash diet for 3 weeks and you'll be down to a normal weight. Simple math - no reason why it shouldn't work, because that's how it works for them every time they want to lose 3 lbs.

They won't even listen to the possibility that the first few pounds you lose on any diet - the first couple of weeks - it's primarily water weight, because for them it's NOT water weight. It's the little bit they gained, and found so easy to lose.
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