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Old Wed, Apr-14-21, 01:52
IdahoSpud's Avatar
IdahoSpud IdahoSpud is offline
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Posts: 1,356
Plan: Intermittent fast/Lowcarb
Stats: 251/199/180 Male 5 ft 10 inch
Progress: 73%
Location: Idaho

Stairs - did not get to them last night, but did them tonight.

Two flights, 30 trips up and down, two steps at a time.

Time and intensity: 16:25 and 157 BPM heart rate.

I'm OK with that. Not bad for a long-ish layoff and one day back into it.

It's not like I slept well today. Four spoofed phone calls came between 7AM and 9AM this morning while I was trying to sleep, and then the tree service came by at 9AM to fell ten massive ponderosa pine and red fir that were much too close to the house - so I was up with them until noon.

Considering I'm also now on the wrong side of 60 yrs old combined with lack of sleep, it's surprising that I'm functional, let alone getting hard cardio exercise at this point.

My exercise for the next few days will be limbing and bucking the trunks, hauling the limbs to the burn pile, and burning them. It's a huge project for one old guy, but it cost more than enough just to have the trees dropped. I'm really not looking forward to chopping up the trunks, as they are huge.
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