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Old Wed, Jun-30-10, 15:41
lilngreen lilngreen is offline
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Unhappy any satisfying substitutes for 'real' snacks?

Yes, I do realize I'm asking for the (near) impossible. I mean, on a low carb, sugar-free,-yeast-free, etc etc-free diet, the only thing that seems left is the occasional handful of nuts or seeds (and in strict moderation!)
I wasn't a junk food/chips/candybar fan before I went on the diet, but I LOVE to bake and make desserts from scratch (while staying health-conscious). My snacks were usually a good bowl of fruits, but I regularly enjoyed pieces of high quality +70% chocolate (none of that fake hershey stuff or snickers bars, etc), along with homemade oatmeal cookies, maybe even a slice of bread sparingly topped with nutella.

Now that I'm fighting candida, not only is all of that out of the question, but it seems that I can't even eat the healthy stuff! I feel guilty when I have a pear or a cup of strawberries for breakfast (alone!), and even more when I have a cup of oats (=fiber) for snack time! It's like I'm continuously sabotaging myself just by eating healthy and I'm completely miserable.
I read somewhere that some people find it easier to treat 'snacks' as smaller versions of regular meals, but let's be honest: crunchy/salty/sweet cravings set aside, you need something FILLING.
How do you deal with it??

What I've tried so far:
-drinking lots of water at a time to fill up the stomach
-(finally quit chewing gum, so that's out)
-popcorn's out (corn)
-eating plantain chips (but too salty and carb-laden)
-raw veggies or left overs (rarely satisfies)
-a handful of nuts (which I don't even enjoy unless they're a dessert topping or something )
-not eating at all. Which sorta works but not really.
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