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Old Wed, Oct-30-02, 17:29
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Default Affirmations & Addictions

There has been some mention of ppl using affirmations to stop smoking. I read of some several years ago...
1. My lungs are healthy and clear
2. I breathe in healthy air.

The premise was to do this even before trying to quit, and your body would get the message, and you would quit craving them. I use to smoke, but it was never really an addiction for me. I could buy a pack, smoke them, and not smoke another for years! I have friends who envy that. My hubby quit last November, so almost a year for him, and he used a nicotine patch... he tried that for 5 days, and then didn't put any others on... he smoked about a pack a day. He sold the rest to his sister and her bf, and they had quit for 2 weeks, and didn't think of any other way to combat stressors, so both of them went back to smoking!! Hubby and I knew there was going to be some stressors, and let me tell you, I bit my tongue more than once, just because I knew he was undergoing nicotine withdrawals! I am very proud of him though, almost a year, and I doubt it would ever be something he would ever do again~!! Will be back later after I look up some stuff~ Ciao for now~
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