Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Sun, Sep-08-19, 19:10
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Hi all,

Jaz---Ha, happy to have my own little post from you! Thanx for the answer on GiGi. It just seems to really suit you.

Girl, I just don't know how you southern gals deal w/that heat! Hoping for you that the cooler breezes of whatever is fall in Atlanta are soon to hit for you.

Right now I'm going w/what Trig said regarding your woe. Keep it simple, no big changes, but always the opportunity for improvement---simply eating a bit less WHEN that works. But you have "enough on your plate" w/work right now---the stress, the driving, the charts, the worry. Wouldn't be surprised if your cortisol stress hormone is off the charts. Sometimes life has you on the hard path and when that happens no sense making things harder by asking for what is not coming naturally to you at his point in time.

I think you're doing a great job of doing the best you can right now. Yeah, sometimes that just has to be enough.

Nic---Oh my gosh, you brought back a memory to me w/you explanation of Italian words for grammas. Always nice to remember you spent a time living there.

Anyway, we had this large Italian Catholic family across from us when I was growing up. And they called their gramma Nonny, which way back then I thought was weird, and where did that come from? Well, you not only answered that question from the way back, you brought w/it a lovely memory of "Nonny" from across the street, who was a real pip!

You sound---calm to me. As in your birdies are all transitioned for now to their new paths, and you are kind of chillax. You deserve a time to just sit back a bit and inhale, then let it out long and sure.

Lori---Hey, would you mind sending me the link to that Amazon thing on using the treadmill? I have to find a way to keep moving thru the winter and I too find the treadmill deadly boring. But thinking if I can work out a quick routine on that, as well as the elliptical, and maybe a few weight machine things, like 5 to 10 minutes per machine adding up to the 30 minutes I was doing in the pool, it will be a good thing for me, and it's just 4 flights up on the elevator.

Glad you're thinking of signing up for a 10K. That always seems to work for you when you're looking for your mojo.

Trig---I am happy to hear hubby is venturing out w/you for some hikes. If he's at all like my hubby he usually says "no" first, and then comes around on things. And given how your hubby likes to eat "the world" that's a good thing for him. I did laugh at you increasing his life insurance. I mean what can you do, right?

Although I do have to say, when I met your hubby he looked pretty darn good weight wise. But we know that doesn't always tell what's going on in the inside.

How are you finding the UD and DD thing? I can really see how the DD thing wouldn't be that hard for you, except when it is. I think you said something a few posts back about how rigid/ demanding???---can't remember your exact words---you can be about your woe, and I hear that. I hear your fear of venturing out of the this or that, black or white.

But I say, what the heck, we never know when we've changed in some way we we're not aware of yet. There are things that work for me now that never would have before, and visa verse. It's always a moving target.

And oh boy, I SO GET you thinking about those pretzels in Helen when you get there and trying to get it all settled and controlled long before you get there. Been there. Often in fact.


Hey gals, I think I turned a corner today. Woke up with more energy than I've had in 2 weeks. AND, didn't need the bad meds to sleep last night. Got up and just felt a bit of a bounce in my step.

OMG, this place has been like a Kitty's litter box w/hubs and I both not feeling like picking up a thing. So today I took on half our place and really cleaned everything up. Tomorrow the other half.

Oh my, it feels so good to have things neat and ship shape again. Like Jaz I actually really like to clean when I'm in the mood---it is something that really gives back a reward for your work. Things are starting to sparkle around here again!

Plus, I got a new table cloth I bought on line---and this is how low energy I've been---I got it over a week ago and only opened it today. For me, that's sick, man. But today it energized me to open it and freshen up our dining area w/it. It looks so FAB!

We've had a cool, cloudy and a bit rainy weekend. I've actually enjoyed it, except I keep hoping to get back down to the pool, which is still open here, but I suspect will be closed in the next week. Hoping for one more sunny, warm enough day now that I'm feeling better to get down there for an adieu to summer moment.

So it's a bit after 8 tonight and I haven't had a thing besides my iced coffee w/cream. And I'm not a bit hungry. Tempted to just make it a fast day, but do have the makings for a nice salad so I'll think I'll go w/that. Ice berg lettuce, hard boiled eggs, bacon, black olives and pine nuts, w/Sirracha ranch dressing because I don't feel like making my own. Have run myself out of my glorious energy.

Hoping it's there for me tomorrow.
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