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Old Fri, May-06-22, 16:27
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Bob-a-rama Bob-a-rama is offline
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Seems like every day the veggies come up with another "meat is bad" article.

If I ate that suggested diet, I'd be 300 pounds like my parents were and my siblings are. That's not good for longevity.

Personally, I think eating meat is good for your brain. Just think of the animal kingdom. Does anyone say "smart as a cow?" They do say "Sly as a fox".

I think eating grass-fed beef is good for you. I have no studies to back that up, but I'm 75, on zero medications, and my doc says I have the circulation system of a healthy 50 year old.

Without a long term CONTROLLED double-blind study with a lot of participants you can easily manipulate the statistics to say anything you want. Even then you still can, but it's more difficult to do.

And a long term study like this on humans is not ethical.

Mark Twain said this. "There are three kinds of lies, lies, damn lies, and statistics."

I think we may be dealing with the third option here.

You can look at the 'blue zones' and say they all eat the Mediterranean Diet, but they don't. You can also say they all have high mineral content in their drinking water, which they do. But neither statement proves anything.

One more thing, if one diet plan was best for everybody, there would only need to be one diet book.

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