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Old Thu, Nov-18-21, 07:29
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is offline
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I woke up not knowing what time or day it was! I was totally confused to where I even was! I didn't have wine last night either!!!! I guess all that stress of yet another job that bites the dust and another move caught up with me!

Trig- So glad to see a post from you. I hate you are thinking about all this with mom! I will just mention there are services that are designed to keep people home that would give you and bro a break. Also I can't stress enough that older people are prone to UTI and confusion is the FIRST symptom. Keep on top of that. Keep track of her fluids- in and out. Ok- I will put nursing cap away.

I think it's great that hubby more inclined to think beach than land! Yup and yup! I know it's not the right time to be thinking about the beach house right now. Things have a way of working out and all will be ok!

You DO take care of you!!!!!!!! Remember when the plane takes a dive and the oxygen comes out- you need yours first. Eat well, sleep well and breathe!!!!

Lori- Sorry you had to cancel your game! See above for Trig! Take care of you!!!!!
Eat well, and get your rest.

I agree. I am to the point I am so OVER the holidays before they even begin! I start getting "pressured" in July and by the time the holidays roll around I am fit to be tied. Anyway- that is my family drama and it is sad. My kids and mom do not mesh and I see why- but I am in the middle. It really sucks. So ya- the holidays are not always Norman Rockwell.
Ready for Jan- and it over too! Gift cards and Amazon is the ticket for all that.

You should stop by Jackass brewery and get a TO GO order! something to brighten your day!

Nic-- I went back and re-read your post! I need to call you the Christmas elf! You are totally in the Christmas spirit! I need you to sprinkle some in here for us!!!!! HAHAHAHA

How is the sub job coming along? What exactly would you be doing? What grades are you able to teach? Do you need a masters to teach? Is it a public school?
Is your DS19 coming home for winter break?
Have a slight sore throat this morning and feeling a bit tired. I am hoping it is just the dampness in the air and nothing more. So DAMP here.

There is a golf tourney going on here on the island for the week. RSM golf? Anyway- 2 of the refs are staying in the complex. I have seen people leaving with their clubs yesterday, so they were playing.

Just sorta unwinding from everything. I am going back to the apt. On Sunday to move out officially and put my stuff yet again in a storage locker. I am not taking the couches, I have a taker and will get new. Trust me they have seen their day!
I will then hop in the car and come back here and my son comes the next day. LOT'S of activity.

Just hanging today with no agenda. Have a piece of salmon and will do a quick stir fry veggies and that will be that.

Back at ya later
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