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Old Sat, Mar-18-06, 14:25
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cnmLisa cnmLisa is offline
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Default Green Tea Ice Cream!!!!

This recipe came about when Myjourney made hibiscus sorbet (which was lovely). I've been missing ice cream and am not willing to eat the store bought low carb stuff and haven't been satisfied with the texture of my previous attempts--I'm talking frozen as hard as concrete. So I've been doing some pondering and tweaked an already existing recipe and this is waht I came up with.

It's a winner--I want to post a pic like you do but don't know how. Hopefully Kevinpa is going to get back to me with how to do that.

Recipe as Follows:

200ml milk (2 TBS heavy cream with enough water to make 200ml)
2 egg yolks
1 TBS Fiberfit
200ml heavy cream
8 drops of Sweetzfree (if you have, otherwise just leave it out)
2 TBS maccha gren tea powder
100ml hot water
2 TBS glycerine

Before beginning to cook, dissolve the green tea powder and 100ml hot water and let cool.

1. Lightly whisk egg yolk in a pan.
2. Add milk and mix well.
3. Put the pan on low and heat mixture stirring constantly until mixture is thickened.
4. Soak the bottom of the pan in an ice water bath and cool.
5. Whisk in the sweetener.
6. Add the green tea mixture slowly while whisking.
7. Add the heavy cream while whisking.
8. Add the glycerine in very slowly while constantly whisking.
9. Taste and adjust sweetener per taste.
9. Freeze mixture in ice cream maker per ice cream maker directions.

I used a cuisinart maker where you freeze the bowl. It took about 1/2 hour and the texture was perfect--like soft serve, not concrete--I put it in a container to freeze further in the freezer to season the flavor and firm up a bit more. The taste was incredible.

Finally--no more ice cream concrete!!! Plus--finally found an ice cream base that will work on any flavor--my next recipe--espresso, mocha, chocolate chip chunk!!!! I've died and gone to heaven!!!!!
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