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Old Fri, May-14-21, 12:02
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thud123 thud123 is offline
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Posts: 7,422
Plan: P:E=>1 (Q3-22)
Stats: 168/100/82 Male 182cm
Progress: 79%

Good stuff Janet and Rob - No way ill I top any chart this round - and I'm glad about that, you have to be really out of sorts (metoboically) or over the moon crazy intense to "win" - I'm just happy following the guidelines and seeing what happens.

I think the neatest thing I've done so far is start using cronometer (I'm such an anti micro measurement person) but i'm really enjoying entering my food and seeing the nutritional charts and then experimenting with foods that fill other niches - Heck, I might even try to do a Master Class again at some point. I flunked out of the first one, if it would have been college I would have withdrawn haha! Now I have the tools to give it another go.

Fun foods added since:

- Collards in stuff, I just used to make big batches with lots of hog fat

- no fat Cottage Cheese and Yogurt - I seem to get along with them

- Nutriaional Yeast - who would have thunk

- Nori sheets - now a staple

- added chicken and calf liver weekly - see if I can keep this up, I'm getting accustom to the taste

- egg whites - bought first container - might do that again - I mix with whole eggs about 50/50 when using it

- got another jar of Kimchi - I used to eat that a lot back in the first part of my journey

and Rob, speaking of Journey, who would have thunk it would have changed so much over time. This is a hint to me that it will continue to change if I have an open mind and pay attention to how my body works.

Later 'taters
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