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Old Sat, Jan-11-03, 15:16
martha 1 martha 1 is offline
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Default throid

Dear Margie,
It was with much interest I read your post as well as going to your web site. I am trying to figure out if I am hypothyroid.
I have FMS/CFS. Having admitted to that the reason I have been researching this is because I have not had much success in loosing weight. I did Weight watchers for 22 months. Initially I lost 30 pounds only to gain 10 back in two weeks during a medical crisis. I had stopped taking Ambien a sleeping aid I took for three years. I had begun a kidney detox to rid my body of phosphates through a lab in Canada. One of the benefits of the detox is renewed sleep. In spite of not eating very little for the two weeks when I went back to WW's two weeks later I had a gain of ten pounds. I continued to gain .2 a week for the next three months. Another three pounds. Not a lot, but a big deal to me. I went to my doctor who was monitoring my beta blocker, I needed to take because the withdrawal from Ambien caused much hypertension. I have been off the beta blocker for 4 months. and I am still not having succes loosing. I switched to Dr Atkins and for 8 weeks I stuck with induction, no loss. My energy soared and I was regaining my life. The ninth week my energy started waning once again. My resistance to sugar waned. I ate off my plan for a week, gained ten pounds. and am now trying desperately to get back to Lcing. It seems when my energy wanes my appetite wins out.
I have been taking my temperature for 4 days. I average 97.8
My brother 69 older just had modules removed form his thyroid gland. He said his son had no thyroid activity, age 40. He also said there is family history so I should pursue being diagnosed. Is there a alternative like Solaray thyroid caps that might help me
hugs Martha
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