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Old Tue, May-02-23, 05:38
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Whirrlly Whirrlly is offline
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Plan: Zero Carb!
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Lori ya are sounding like me putting off the grocery shopping....
my kiddo is constantly saying, hey you going to the grocery store today? I am just not going as much and she is missing her usual junk to eat....ahhh, waa, waa, too bad HA

You always enjoyed Paula B....go for it!

Nicco, happy birthday to DD! Hope you guys enjoy your time out!
cool ya keep up with some of your old clients!
You are quite the social person, way more than me LOL but in the end, gets too much ya become more reclusive to get a recharge!

Jaz, If the company says clock in at this time then yea, anything after is late I mean it is what it is on this one I get both sides on it also tho!!

Yea I watched SO MANY zc vids at this point I can't handle too many more. But every now and then I like seeing a new one where they interview a new carnivore who has healed and got great results from the lifestyle. Very motivating type vids. I got the 'science' down, don't need more of that tho now!

So you 'work' like 5 days a week online and 2 days off? or? how does your schedule go?

oh I agree it is simple clean food this month to get off the shi**s and giggles of eating a few too many bites! it ain't fun anymore when the pants start to tighten LOL but summer is here to and I will move ALOT more coming out of winter hibernation so that will help.

--------------SO I just ordered a battery power weed whacker. Our gas one is SO heavy. So big ya know for farm work that I despise that thing literally so I 'got a girly' one that is lightweight, bit shorter to swing and on battery. OK I love online shop. Free delivery, $40 off on sale...ok send to my home and let me whack some weeds. I need it for around pool area definitely....cause every time hubby whacks around pool SO much gets into pool, hate that, want a lower power to whack but not sling the debris into the pool.....ok we shall see how that thing goes down for use when I do get it.

working on kiddos college. She chose to 'do orientation' on her own at college. Made me sad. I WANT to be there but she 'wants to grow up' she said and tackle it alone. I tried hard to get her to 'let me come' but she kept to her wanting to handle it on her own....awwww....ok. Let the bird fly I guess. Gonna book a campsite near WCU and go up....see she doesn't get her real license til she passes the darn test on June I still gotta drive her there. So will drop her off at college for orientation and 'stay nearby' in campground and pick her up the next day, yea they stay overnight and see how it goes from there. Should be very telling and interesting on it all.

Wanted to choke hubby yesterday. I tell ya guys!!
His mom is having prescription med issues and he has not handled them and I am like, WTH? get this DONE now. I said hand it all over to me and I will have it fixed in a hot azz minute but he wants to handle it and I said then friggin' do it or get off the pot! I don't like when there is a situation and one is not handling, just spewing mouth over it....useless....and then financials for his mom he is delaying on changes he chatted with me a 'long time' ago ain't done....well friggin' do it then. See he tells me hardly nothing ya know and I 'assume', yea dumb me, that HE handles it....nope. He never made fast decisions like I do....he is the polar opposite of me which I DO need to balance me but in the end, those that don't make moves to handle issues when truly needed just drive me insane.........OK enough of that.

plus get this, I rarely remember a dream ever but last night I dreamed 'he did some crap to me' that irked the heck outta me, can't remember but I woke up just wanting to slap the crap outta him to 'doing that to ME!'...yea in a dream I had to 'cool down' before I could even speak to him this morning and yet he did nothing to me.....omgosh! I tell ya, weird I wanted to take him out the minute I heard his voice saying good morning, I was like, I am gonna kill you! I am laughing here like crazy......I gotta get a hold on me for sure

OK enough crazy......I am all clean food today. Plan 1. Eat a friggin' lb of bacon first when I want it. Got burgers to eat after when I do want it and got some chicken to boot for food today. All zc good!

ahhh, some times ya know....well I know you guys know
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