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Old Mon, Jan-31-22, 18:57
Gypsybyrd's Avatar
Gypsybyrd Gypsybyrd is offline
Posts: 7,035
Plan: Keto IMO Atkins 72 Induct
Stats: 283/229/180 Female 5'3"
BF:mini goal 250, 225
Progress: 52%
Location: St. Pete, Florida

01 - 236.2 (yeah, I had 3 Salted Caramel White Russians last night)
02 - 235.2 (aaannnd we're OFF!)
03 - 233.4
04 - 232.8
05 - 232.8
06 - 233.6 (took 800 mg ibuprofen yesterday for a migraine. Also, 2 800 mg twice today for the migraine redux. Going out of town tomorrow through Monday. Might remember to weight tomorrow before I head out but I leave at 4:30 a.m. so it's unlikely. If I weigh S/S/M, it won't be on my own scale.)
07 - DNW
08 - DNW
09 - DNW
10 - DNW
11 - 233.6
12 - 233.6
13 - 234.2 (but also 235.6 - the second time but the first weight is what registered on my app) (courtesy late dinner and probably 2 bags of pork rinds yesterday)
14 - 235.0
15 - 233.0
16 - 233.4 (went to a fair last night, ate arepa and plantains)
17 - 234.6
18 - 235.0
19 - 237.4 (no clue unless it was the pork rinds last night?)
20- 234.6
21 - 233.2
22 - 232.8 (went to the fair last night, ate ONLY beef sirloin tips and chicharrones - much better than last weekend!)
23 - 232.2
24 - 231.8
25 - 238.4 (tater skins and 1 scoop of ice cream the night before)
26 - 232.4
27 - 231.2
28 - 231.0
29 - 230.2
30 - 229.0
31 - 229.2

I plan to join the Feb challenge but I have to be out of the house in the morning by 4:25 so we'll see if I remember to weigh.
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