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Old Mon, Jul-05-21, 09:43
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niccofive niccofive is offline
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Jaz- How annoying about the pool. I guess with the holidays it isn't all that surprising. I hope Pooler isn't like that for most summer weekends though.

Two hints on Rugar's jumping, which is normal of course for a puppy- 1) Turn your back to him when he jumps and don't respond to him, when he stops, praise him. Or throw up a knee and let him bounce off of it while saying OFF! firmly. When our puppies would chew on us, we would hold their mouths (while open) firmly and say NO MOUTH. Both behaviors extinguished within about a week. Just something to try while you are waiting for the classes to start.

I see several groups you could investigate on here:

Trig- When do you come home? I don't think I realized you were vacationing for two whole weeks. That is magnificent!!

We are so alike in so many ways, Trig! Our pragmatic sides for sure. I do plan ahead as well, Jaz, with meal planning and vacations and retirement money etc but I'm just talking about chunking "events" so I don't get overwhelmed and I can just tick off what needs to be done one by one.

Hahaha I had no idea what coon'd meant so I'm glad you went on to describe it. Much better than bear'd! lol

Lori- Have fun golfing! Not getting mail would drive me nuts so I hear ya! The heat is coming blazing for us this week.


Jaz your pool on the 4th weekend and my pool at the Y today are completely opposite! LOL I was happily jumping along and exercising with the blue hairs. So much fun! DD was off work and joined me - she was surprised at what a good workout it actually was. CHECK OUT YOUR Y!

So I'm thinking my summer workout schedule will be the Y on M,W,F for water fitness. I can do pickleball on Thursday and Sunday. The other two days I may or may not take a walk or something. And of course, things will come up but still, I think that is a very livable and fun schedule.

Not much else going on today. I need to go to the store and Costco but not today. I'll do a little cleaning, a little reading, just a chill day.
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