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Old Mon, May-10-21, 07:29
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niccofive niccofive is offline
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OMG Trig!! That sounds amazing!! What a great time for you and the CHOP! You have to tell us where you are going once you get it booked. VERY cool! DH and I will be beaching it up in July sans any kids- we will either have one or two home at that point. Dogs will stay behind, kids will stay behind. Whoo hoo!

I hope your Mom is doing pretty well.

Wagyu beef! That is an awesome gift! What are you going to make with it?

Lori- I guess getting up at 4-something isn't too bad if you were asleep at 8:30. That's a good night's sleep right there!

Four days of golf in a row is a LOT. A day of rest and puttering would be most welcome for sure!

Jaz- Yay for getting safely to your new apartment. Not sharing walls sounds AMAZING. And brand new too! I think you got a steal of a place. You are a lucky duck!! I am so proud of you for getting there, getting moved in by yourself.. that is a lot of work. And a lot of stairs! You are a tough cookie!

I agree that those stairs would have been super tough on your Bella. I was thinking that when you told us about it. I couldn't imagine her being able to do them.

Happy late Mother's Day to all of you!


I'm on my own here and not hating it. It is a little weird but just fine.

Yesterday after everyone left, I puttered a bit and then went and got the cruiser bicycle that was in the storage off the garage. I pumped the tires and went for a spin! I've ridden a bike about three times in the last decade (last time was on Key West) but I didn't fall once!

After getting back from that, I decided to drive out to Rehoboth Beach and explore their Boardwalk. So off I went. Drove 30 minutes and there I was. I liked the Rehoboth boardwalk a lot. The OC one is the longest and busiest- you could people watch there ALL DAY plus it has the most direct beach views- 3 miles one way of boardwalk, people and beach views! Rehoboth was my second favorite for people watching and tons of shops. Bethany Beach was more preserved- the short boardwalk is on the other side of the dunes so you can't see the beach, really.

Today is cloudy and mildly windy, with some showers predicted, so I'm going to hang out some here and then drive around and check out some towns in the area. I want to write a letter to all three of the kids (I have absolutely failed in my weekly mission but am slowly getting some done here and there for the most loved folks in my life!)

Not sure what I will do on Tuesday yet, we will see what the weather brings. Wednesday I will check out, and then pick up DS19 (an hour away) and bring him home for the summer.

Did I tell you all that he and his ex-gf seem to be getting back together? He mentioned it the last time we had facetimed with him and then she texted me for Mother's Day. So we'll see how that goes!

DS22 and his Fiancee are making really good progress with their wedding plans. I guess she is coming back up again this month for a weekend for another mad dash at wedding planning.

That's the catch up from here. Lots of beach walking, boardwalk walking and general happiness. The past several days have been 13k step days!
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