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Old Wed, Dec-16-20, 08:13
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niccofive niccofive is offline
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Lori, it sounds like you all are going to be absolutely walloped. That rarely happens here although it does from time to time. My kids have experienced 2-3 good solid blizzards with snow up past the mailbox but that hasn't happened in quite a long time now!

It's nice for you to know that if you have pasta now and again as a rare treat that you likely aren't doing much damage. That is good news!

Blue, I've got Last Tango to Halifax on my watchlist! I'm watching some other things at the moment but I'll get to it soon-ish! Sounds like you have been busy with work but in a good way and with the realization that it comes and goes. Happy for you! Glad you are also enjoying evenings with your sweet hubby and watching your show. I can hear how happy that makes you!

Jaz, your son is sweet to be taking good care of his Dad and SM. He must live awfully close to them to be able to do that on the regular. Sounds like you are still killing it with your Wall Street trading. Good on you! I know that can pay off well for those who take the time and make the effort.

Trig, sounds like you are holding on tightly to your plan and doing well, as you do. Good on you! When does your DD have finals?


I think it is so funny that you all think I am way into the Christmas spirit over here! I mean, we are Christmasing, but I feel relatively half-hearted about it at the moment. Life just seems so strange and things are just enough 'off' that I feel off kilter a good portion of the time lately. Seems like it has been one thing after another the past couple of months. I had a crash after caring for DS22 and getting us through the quarantine.. I was absolutely in one-track focus mode keeping things sanitized and running a tight ship and then I just sort of fell apart afterward, you know?

I am just generally feeling kind of exhausted. Not sick, not depressed.. just.. mentally worn. DS22's online college graduation is on Sunday and I am trying to suck it up to do something fun for him. He deserves it, you know? It isn't his fault that things have been the way they are, and he had an absolutely SHITTY last semester of college. Right now we've planned to order takeout of his choice, and watch some of it on the TV and play games as he has requested. Then, a few days after that is Xmas of course. I just feel like I've got to get my head in the game a little bit more because I honestly feel like I hardly even know what day it is. The usual signs, kids being on school break, or kids coming home, or whatever, are just not there any more.

Plus winding down with my client didn't happen like it was supposed to and now I am client-less and will be that way for several months. Again, just a slightly unmoored feeling, you know? With kids not going to school, no work on the calendar etc it just feels sort of like drifting along in the sea. Usually I don't mind that but it is starting to feel a bit more unsettling. Ugh! I guess I feel like I don't have anything to look forward to and moving into the winter DS22 will be up and working every morning in the adjoining room from 9-5, which will bring another change to adjust to.

So yeah, I've been in my own head some the past couple of days. It hasn't been all bad, I'm not just morose or anything like that, just sort of.. Meh. But, getting Xmas cards out tomorrow and will buy the tenderloin and accoutrements for Xmas morning and dinner either Thursday or Friday. I want to get what is needed before the crowds of next week.

BTW we aren't expecting much snow at all today. I'll be surprised if we get three inches out of it. I will enjoy watching snow fall though, however much. So pretty!

Ok, so enough of this. Gonna try to shake this mood and move on.
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