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Old Fri, Jul-03-20, 06:59
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Default Dr. Cate on your immune system and Coronavirus

Like many other low carb advocates, it's all about keeping our health in a time of a global pandemic. Dr. Cate has always had the emphasis on the good fats.

The Hateful Eight: Enemy Fats That Destroy Your Health is connected to an appearance she did on the Bill Mahr show.

Which became so popular her books have sold out of several outlets! Good for her.

What Can You Do To Strengthen Your Immune System?
Eliminating the high-PUFA seed oils is the NUMBER ONE best thing you can do to help your immune system beat Coronavirus. Here’s why.

Friday May 22, 2020, when one of the few in big media willing to talk about the relationship between diet and health like a grown-up, Bill Maher, invited me onto Real-Time to share some truth.

Here are some of the things we discussed.

The virus is not what’s killing most of us under the age of 65. For the elderly, or for those who are otherwise immunocompromised, the sheer viral load can be too much for the body to deal with. But for the rest of us, the real threat is not the virus itself, but the way your body responds.

Most of the folks under 65 who have to be admitted to the ICU are there because their body fat is full of inflammation-promoting high-PUFA seed oils. In other words, if seed oils were removed from the equation, then there would be nobody under 65 in the ICU unless they’ve got a rare immune deficiency disorder or are in the middle of chemo for cancer or have something else very serious that’s going on.

My own experience of ditching all seed oils has been dramatic. I could tell, from my rosacea, that it had a real impact on my inflammation reduction.

With my more recent super-keto-elimination plan, I have been eating always at home, using sour cream instead of hemp oil. And now I don't eat salad, but I do put dressing on my meat.

Also, the gist of the above quote suggests that last year's loss of 40 pounds had more than the obvious benefits. Did this also purge my body of those high-PUFA fats? Am I "burning cleaner fuel" as a result?

Also pertinent:

During the interview with Bill Maher, I also made the point that everyone under 65 who had a serious case of corona also has an underlying metabolic condition–whether they know it or not. Even those thin people who’ve written articles about their experience, like Mara Gay, a reporter for the NY Times who looks glowingly healthy.

As fit and beautiful as she appears in the NY Times piece, I’m certain her metabolism is not in good shape. Your metabolism has to be very damaged indeed for it to cause visible signs of poor health. But it doesn’t have to be particularly damaged for it to fail you when the time comes for your immune system to rise to the challenges involved in what may be the ultimate metabolic test: fending off potentially deadly infections.
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