Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Fri, Aug-30-19, 04:15
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Lori_:) Lori_:) is offline
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Posts: 3,836
Plan: LC calorie counting
Stats: 223/157.8/145 Female 68 inches
Progress: 84%
Location: Pennsylvania

Good Morning!

Feeling blah this morning and ready for my "diet" day. Yesterday I didn't plan my eating well and just went from one thing to the other with nothing really being what I wanted. That was a mistake and will make today's low calorie day much harder. Sigh..... Scale may be down a wee bit this week. I guess I just have to be patient. I'd be happier if I could lose 20 lbs in a week!

Yesterday I was working on some new stretches for my shoulder and I have it a bit sore. Probably not the best idea since I have a Chiro appt today. She'll be stretching it, that's for sure.

I sat here all day yesterday, except for a trip to the grocery store. I really need to get out for a walk today. Yesterday was so beautiful and I wasted it. My stomach was not feeling great yesterday and still feeling off today....that was my excuse for being lazy. No more excuses!

Speaking of the grocery store, our local Giant started a service where you can order online and then go pick it up. I guess they will eventually have delivery. I really don't need the service, being retired and all, but they sent me an email with a code for 50% off an order of up to $60 if I used the shopping service with no extra fees. How could I pass that up? So, I went online yesterday morning early and picked all my items and arranged to pick it up at 10. There is a designated area to park with signs that have the phone number to call to "announce your arrival". The girl answered and said she'd be right out. It was kind of cool. Anyway, over $60 of groceries for $30 and I never had to go into the store! Score!

This afternoon DH has asked me to come with him for a meeting at his elderly cousin's house. The meeting is with a bank representative about her $$. She has some CD's that she needs to cash to help pay her living expenses etc. She is 90 and is really starting to need some help keeping things straight. She is fiercely independent and wants to do it herself, but push has come to shove. DH just wants me to be there so we have a better understanding of where things stand since he is her Power of Attorney and will need to know what's going on one day soon. Not something we're looking forward to for sure.


Nic...I can just picture you shuffling along caught in the middle of the "herd". It's funny to picture, but I sure am sorry your back is hurting. I hope it's feeling better today.

Trig...hope you had a good day with your Mom. Did you take her out to do some shopping?

Jaz.....Your long weekend has begun!! I'm so glad you're going to set work boundaries. You just have to! How on earth do they expect you to cover the whole state? That is just crazy. I hope you have a great you think you'll get a lot of rain from the hurricane next week?

Blue....hope you're starting to feel better. What a way to end your summer.

Ok....time for more coffee. I'm ready for DH to leave for work. He is talking, talking, talking this morning! OY! I don't know who wound him up this morning!

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