Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Sat, Aug-03-19, 08:15
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Good SATURDAY morning! - Sipping on my first cup of coffee and REALLY enjoying the posts I have had to skim over the last 3 days! Lordy! - I ended up working until about 9:30 last night and still have one chart to go!

Oh - of course BLUE you would pull the diamond from the post from NIC- not waiting to repeat the same life as our mothers.
Wowsa! - So for me that was pretty easy as my mother disappeared when I was a kid and didn't resurface for years. So there was nothing to compare that too. I just know that since I didn't have a mom growing up I would be totally HANDS ON MOM! So I guess it did effect me in that way. Which isn't s bad.
But to your point NIC- I worked full time and raised kids, and was a wife at the time.
So when my kids went to collage 2007 and 2008- I was in process of getting divorced and it was a shock to go from bleacher sports mom and wife to being single and "kidless".

But I see you NIC as transitioning in such a healthy way! - The fact that you're last kiddo out the door has had all the blessing of a stable and encouraging family is a huge bonus! - I KNOW you will dip your toe into the next chapter and totally expect you to look up to find yourself totally immersed!
You are hardly your mother! BLUE is correct in that "back in the day" women WERE identified by being a mother and wife. Thank goodness we have moved past all that!

As far as the point TRIG made about needing something to give us identity, I agree with her that we as women are not as imposed by that as say a guy. So I think it's awesome that we can choose to put our energy where we want to!
We also have the choice to just kick back like Trig - and just take life as it comes! She has "put in her time"!!!!!-

Interesting discussion! Kids- Again I so agree that at some point we need to let them fly. As hard as it is to watch them fall at times. We are not doing them favors by picking them up every time. But being present and listening is key.

I for the most part am so proud of my DD and all she is doing to raise the kids. However not everything is the way I would do it. But ya know, I had my opportunity this is hers so I keep my trap shut.
I do know she wishes I would be around even more, because she does get a bit overwhelm with 2 babies under 4. But I think it will make her a better person later.
Plus I have a life now too- so even with her I have had to set boundraries.

Cool conversation! I think it is so cool we can relate to so many topic as women! - Wonderful!
Thanks BLUE - for pulling that out!

BLUE- 7 pounds down- blew your goal of 5 out the window!!!!!- YEA! I sorta thought when you said that top "really" fit your were down! Awesome on the pool! I hope they keep it open for awhile for you!!!! Plus you are working on a new project! - You are in such a great place!

TRIG- - how is the Pork chop doing with his back? You are cutting it close with the turn around with clean up from last trip and prep for this upcoming trip!
It would drive me crazy to have a vehicle in the shop so much!
I know you will have a great last summer VACAY!!!-
Did you ever find the kiddo school clothes?

You are getting me motivated to purge my closet as well! I have been meaning to get that done now for weeks! I agree if I haven't worked it in over a year it's gone!
SO proud of you- you are back in your ZONE- less IS SO BEST!!!!

LORI- - I loved reading your post! I know your hubby is proud to show up with you! How very sweet his friend just Brough you right into the mix! Can't wait to hear about your night!
Please get a pic to us!
Are you wearing the "little black dress?" - Love that one!!!!!
So you are going to NYC- I would be terrified to drive that one too. Is it in the heart of the city, or a suburb? How long of a trip is that for you? Have the hubby drive and get a mask for your eyes and keep them shut!!!!! HAHAHAHAH
Have a great time tonight!

NIC- See above as well to you! - Wow on the CASA visit. I have a patient that calls me DAILY and talks real fast like that. I now recognize her number and sadly let it go to VM. She wears me out. So I totally get it. You just can't resign with mental illness. I know this gal I am talking about is manic bi-polar. When she is manic it is just as scary as her "down".
We just don't have the resources for Mental Health providers and patients. So everyone suffers. I can just picture your face as this woman went on and on and on! - Bless you!
Date night ended up not happening. I had to work late last night. Rather than rescheduling we both agreed to move on. We are not in the same place. It's cool, no hard feeling at all.

So, I got another call from the Head honcho Medical director. She is over about 12 other medical directors. She is really high up there. Anyway- I have successfully handled about 3 cases for her that were each over million dollar patients. High utilizers. She wants to create a position for me- that will answer to her and her alone.

She ask me how things were going- I can speak so openly with her. She did tell me she noticed my dept is going down in flames and ask me my thoughts on why that is....... so I told her. She did tell me she does not see the program still running 6 months from now.
She did however ask me to "put up with the crap" and "keep your trap shut" for just a little while later- until she can pull me outta there! I just love her! - She is in serious meetings to put something in place. So for her I will
"keep my mouth shut- and fly under the radar and still how it falls. I now get why the managers are "writing up the entire team. They are panicked. They truly are in full FIRE SALE MODE. Not my circus.
Just a couple more months- to let the chips fall. Her call did a world of good to my attitude. It isn't me!

Ok- WOE, For the MOSt part it has been stellar this week. Last night I was just buried in a 14 hour day and didn't have time to cook what I wanted. I ended up ordering a Thin crust Pizza and scraping the topping off and kept on working. But I "feel it" this morning. It is NOT a thinner feeling.

However I splurged and bought a pound of GA shrimp and a serving of Chilean Sea Bass!!!!- Oh yes I did! I also bought some green beans and that will be Devine. I am not eating a pound of shrimp. That will be for tomorrow- but I will butterfly them and Devine them and marinate them for tomorrow. Tonight is sea bass. I love that- with a pat of butter on top! OMG yum!

Today is cleaning up leftover work, laundry, and cleaning and cleaning. this week has been rough with putting stuff away. I pull it out, or dump my laundry on a chair, I need to clean it up.
Jammie day.
Slept in too!!!!! - Needed it, but I will have a busy day, at my pace!

Have a wonderful Saturday!
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