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Old Fri, May-17-19, 10:11
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GRB5111 GRB5111 is offline
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Dawn Carr, of PETA, said, "What a load of ignorant codswallop! NHS nutritionists confirm that while a meat- and dairy-based diet is what strikes people down in adulthood – as it can lead to hardened arteries that cause stroke, brain aneurysms, and heart attacks – a well-planned vegan diet is perfect for babies and children.

Well, Ms. Carr, if you fed babies and children codswallop along with healthy fresh vegetables, they might be better off.

More evidence of the polarized camps arguing about nutrition resulting in further delay of ever being able to reach agreement on nutrition while harming people who have not or are not capable of carrying out their own research.

My previous statement of being able to find a healthy WOE that is sustainable without having to maintain it with supplements that cover nutrition gaps is the approach I prefer. It does take personal research and fine-tuning with N=1 discovery. I don't see agreement occurring anytime soon, as the camps have dug in deeply.
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