Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Fri, Aug-03-18, 05:21
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is offline
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I know WHY I just love this thread. So much experience and wisdom from you ladies!!!!!! I get something EVERYDAY here. A take away here and there - always!

NIC- Your trip sounds amazing! I love that you are walking and just flat our having a great time! I love your description of your journeys!!! Send a pic of two if your can! Doesn't that walking FEEL wonderful!!!!!!

BLUE- I am getting excited for you! I can just picture your beautiful new HOME!!!! I think you are going to be so relieved. As much as you love your current house- being house poor feels terrible no matter how pretty or beloved. It gets to a point that it becomes a burden.
To get out from that- and walk into something pretty and new for you with some change in your pocket= priceless!!!!!!! I agree again with your Realtor to replace that roof. That is what drew me to here. The updates. I wanted something move in ready- not a fixer upper. I am single, and don't have the time. So right on point on that!
Are you going to go for the SEPT. deadline?
THE BEST news!!!!!!! YAY on the 3.5 down! You are SO right about that 200 pound bench mark- it is too. It is a mindset. That is my goal right now- and you are way taller than me. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! KEEP ON IT MY FRIEND!!! You got this. you know sometimes it just takes a small 5 pound drop to set us on fire to finally get to goal.
But WE NEED to see something for our efforts. Right now I am treading UP! More on that- below.
My mother for all her issues- is a master seamstress and makes quilts. She has made some beautiful things. I will take a pic of a table runner she made me. It is black, grey with red roses in the middle. It truly is beautiful. It is a gift. It is what she is best at.
She also works at a fabric shop- to support her sewing habit. So I get how wonderful a Nic pop of color makes a entire room.
Maybe next spring I will have some extra $$ and invest in some really cool pieces. I have had to use my money for practical things- washer, dryer, door, car, ect....
Do you need a table runner? She could make you one! any color you want.

TRIG- My LC pal- You are like a dog with a bone when you set your mind on something. I KNOW you are going to see results. You are right on point with only eating the very best as I am basically doing induction again- pure and simple.
Yay you are in the same weather pattern I am - it sucks- day after day after day of rain and grey. Ready for some DRY and sunshine. The humidity though is really getting to me as well.
I am totally ready for some different weather. Cooler and crisp.

Did your hubby lay off the BOAT BOAT BOAT now!!!!??? Is the kiddo back in school?
Do you and the hubby have plans when the kiddo goes back to school? What will you do with yourselves? Does he have a hobby? Wood working Maybe? How is his back lately? Are you two still going to the gym together? I think that is SWEET?

Lori- I love a great haircut!!!!! doesn't it just make you FEEL great! I agree with BLUE- a great cut can totally change a appearance!
How is the NEW LORI coming? You loving the gym? FEELING GOOD????
Are you doing your shakes too?
- You all are so right that they are adding and adding and adding tasks to my plate it is making my head spin. Overwhelming can't even describe how I feel right now. Doesn't even cover it. Blue- I did bring up that the reports were M job and that my plate was full. To which M boss looks me square in the eyes and says- you should be able to step into her job while she is our- THAT IS YOUR JOB.
No it isn't! - I am done WHINING about it. I basically have two choices- deal with it and go day by day and change my attitude OR go somewhere else. That is it.
I am doing the work of a director and getting paid at a supervisor level. That sucks too! Yet I am pulled into all managers meetings and leadership stuff too. Yet I am responsible for hands on day to day operations. - They at the VERY least need to offer me a bump in title and pay. I have already ask - and it was ignored. I put it in writing and sent it to M, her boss, and the VP.
Nobody responded. Yet I get more and more responsibility.

I had a real hankering for RIBS. I opened the package and the stench was .........ehewwwwww....... So then I put chicken breasts and salsa in the crock pot. I worked a 12 hour day- so by the time I got home- hockey pucks.
I ended up with a hamburger - minus the bun. Less than thrilling. Today is a new day. I took a pound of shrimp out of the freezer, bacon, and 2 new chicken breast, I also have a new carton of eggs. I am thinking breakfast for dinner. It's Friday night and That just sounds like a perfect way to kick off the weekend.

I was so tired- that by the time I flipped on Netflix- I was asleep in my recliner. Took myself to bed- and tossed and turned all night.
This is not typical for me. A minor blip in my situation. I am about as resilient as it comes. I am like the spider that rolls itself up for protection and then springs right back into action.I am about out of the roll and ready to spring again.

Ok- ladies- TGIF!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy it- I whipped out my Gratitude List-
I HAVE a job
I can walk, run, breath without help
I have a great house, pup, and the ability to change my future if I want to. And I DO!

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