Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Sat, Jul-28-18, 08:41
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OMG are we one yet a NEW thread???!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I hear NIC in my head from the last one- NEW BEGINNINGS- and if you all remember it correlated to the start of school!


Blue- I love the fact you picked the tried and true over young blood for so many reasons! Too many to even list! Good for you! However I will say I totally agree with him that Sept. should be your target date to put it on the market. I will tell you just having gone through a buy, move myself. So say you list it and it sells that week. It still TAKES a GOOD 30 days to close. That puts you and the buyer now into Oct. I will say- MOST people do not to move in the winter if they can help it. They want in and settled before the holidays.
I am speaking from a BUYER perspective. Plus- they need to settle a few months$$$ before the holidays too. It always cost to move. Even if your place were to be move in ready- people still want to hang their own curtains, new rugs ect. Just something to consider.

Dang girl friend- how many people do you know with Birthdays in July/Aug??????? All of St. Paul??????? HAHAHAHAHAH- You are cracking me up!
I too just want to say how much I have come to depend on you and this thread of ladies to get me through those stresses that in the past would have sent me directly to the pizza store. No more. I just come here.I come to vent, celebrate , share vacay, and share life. It truly is amazing!!!!!! really!!!!!!!!

Trig- HAHAHAHA boat, boat, boat. Isn't it so funny what a guy gets something in their head it just don't let it go. Funny he "wore you down"- just get a frekin boat! But I think at the end of the day- you all will have a new toy to play on!!!!!! You can sun yourself and the kiddo will ignore you with her ear buds in and the hubby will be fishing. Perfect family outing!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH

Gal pal- Well Let me speak for me. I HAVE to be ZERO. I saw what happened over one luncheon. Most "normal" people stop after lunch. I was a true CARB hound and just didn't. So yes- the lower the less carbs the better for me. Takes that "WANT and CRAVE" away. I have fallen out of that sweet spot with the carb TASTE. I will and am going to get it back.
I am thinking I need to start measuring too! I wan't the biggest "bang for my buck"- Shrimp, crab, and lobster fits that bill. I do remember that when I lost all that weight before I didn't seem to struggle with dairy like I am now. I just didn't. HUMMMMMMMM

Hold tight- we will get over this tough part- like BLUE said- we need to shrink our tummy's some!

Lori- I am happy for you that you are really free to do what you want. Blue is right though that the Brick and Mortar is going by the wayside. Who has time to go out from store to store and drive, park, and just browse. However, when I do- I already know what I want before I walk in and I am out.
I haven't gotten though to the point of clothes chopping yet on line. I used to- but can't now.
Furniture I too need to sit in. So everything else though can come to my door!
SO great for you to be able to do that! Have your freedom. That has to be a relief.

NIC- I know you are a whirlwind of activity right now. I know when I get that way - I need to pull back- even if it is just for a day, or an evening. I block of time. I have stuff that needs to happen this weekend- but I am just doing it at my pace. I think that might work for you too. You need to break it down in small steps and take care of you!
I can't wait to hear all your adventures regarding the wedding!!!!! Here is where you can decompress!!!!!! We want to hear it too! It really is a benchmark! You got this! Yes you do!!!!!!
Speaking of Benchmarks- guess who is off her oxygen!!!!!! Yup!!!! My daughter is throwing her a one year birthday party Aug 18th. Hard to believe that spitfire is a year old. She has overcome some huge hurdles. But the scary ones are over!!!!! She is doing fabulous!

Well- waiting for my new Garmin. I am just MELTING under this oppressive humidity and heat. I wanted to do a bit of weeding in the from yard- not sure if that is going to happen.I want a treadmill. I am just going to do it.
Keep ya posted on that.

Food- I am going to start logging all my stuff into the fitness pal.
Today I am making a big pot go green bean- low LC/Low CAL. And I either will have shrimp OR sausage. I am feeling beyond the can of biscuits.
OH I JUST HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS. So I were dresses and skirts daily to work- shorts and yoga pants on the weekend. So yesterday I pulled out my ONLY pair of jeans for work. They were so tight I was MISERABLE ALL DAY- MISERABLE. I could harding breathe. And my muffin top- pushed the top down so they rolled too. It was over the top- literally. DONE feeling like this.

Today is laundry, school, and budget for Aug. I WILL Get in a walk! So happy today is Sat. I am going to get my work done- so I can maybe watch a movie- and sit outside a bit!
My lawn guy is doing a great job. I need to pick up a box fan to keep the skeeters away. They are really bad here with the humidity.
Just rambling at this point- Have a great day-
Last thing. I really want to thank you all for the commentment you all have to this thread and we have to each other- what we have is so special!

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