Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Sat, Jul-28-18, 04:57
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Whirrlly Whirrlly is offline
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WOOHOO thanks Lori for starting the new thread!!

Nicco you are so right. the hubby wore me down. ALL I hear is boat boat boat and at this point, omgosh shut the heck up ya know HAHA Leave me out of it please

So glad you are way less stressed and they are staying with your S/BIL. That takes a load off you for sure. Sometimes that one simple thing just makes a monster huge diff. Glad it is working out well for you.

I would be cool when you get alterations for your dress to email all of us so we can see it on ya before the wedding! yes just curious and want to see LOL

Yea kid hated the smoking. She was a verbal PIA on it and I am so glad I don't have to hear that crap anymore But nowadays they literally shove how bad it is to smoke down their throats so I AM happy about that. Luckily she won't ever pick one up!

Never heard of cutting power by 50%. 25 a day saved is fab but how does it work? You personally use less power on those days or ?? No idea on that one.

Blue I missed about your dog---AHHH--14 isn't too old but it isn't a spring chicken either I hope everything steadys up and calms down. Do 2 walks, one smaller walk the dog can finish, leave the dog at home and finish off another walk. Sometimes carrying a dog is not good for any spinal situations either......or do like us......I bought a dog stroller for Bolt. He is an 11lber so super small and fits good, but when at Key West he died in that step from heat stroke. In fact we pulled our sightseeing early cause he could not make it. Sounded horrible breathing and I thought, hmm, if we are dragging this dog every darn place, I need to be sure he does not screw us up again like I bought a dog stroller. Any big sightsee place we go I bring it in case he gets too hot and can't make it. Stick him in and push him along LOL hey I gotta do what I gotta do to not have that muttley ruin some vacays for me.

Glad you got your realtor. New adventure, new designing your new home, new everything is coming your cool. And ya know you did it earlier now than way older when one can not control a home anymore, in that you have time to start a new great life and fall into that routine so easily and hold that new great life til way older and home maintenance and more is not needed. Did that make sense? LOL did I write that out so you get my drift on it...kinda don't know how to write it out what I mean HAHA but you get me

party party party for you social gal monday will come fast so be ready to jump on the bandwagon

Lori, enjoy your wet and mushy golf day
You do sound so happy you quit. A job is a job is a job and at some point, knowing you are truly retired, you can SO walk away and smile while doing it!!
It will be so fun to see what new part time adventure comes your way later. I know you can't sit still too long and when your main golf is over and your sis is in good form, hmm, bet you might look again for a small part time job. One problem is they do come to depend on you. That is when it gets hard. I already told hubby any job he gets from Jan. to June will have to be a quit situation cause thru summer and fall which is hunt time and into the holidays he will need off to travel and more. It will be get a job for 6 months and know you are quitting, come next Jan. get another job for 6 and quit LOL Will be interesting come this Jan. to see what goes down for him.

Hey all
So I am ticked.
I am hungry. Yup. The MINUTE you say I have to cut back, firm up food choices etc I go into starve mode
It is ok....I will adapt. I am so familiar with what has to be done Using my measure cup for 1/4 cup cheese only and using my kitchen scale. oh the memories of weight loss mode....they stink HAHA

cloudy, hope it burns off, want to swim. pool sparkling.
have this and that to do of course as we all do, house crap.
easy day for me cause I am going to make it a super easy day for me LOL

food is tuna, measured out mayo instead of slapping it in there and dinner I am doing grilled shrimp and a small side of some chunk garden cheddar cheese and salami slices. All counted for and controlled.

someone help me please HAHA I hate doing it but it has to be done!! I stepped on the scale yesterday. I was not thrilled one bit but I have weight loss mode in my mind and starting full speed so I know I can bring that number down. When I hit 5 lbs gone I will tell ya'll

great day everyone
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