Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Fri, Jun-08-18, 04:51
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It has been an arduous week. Do you not love this word-involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.
"an arduous journey"
synonyms: taxing, difficult, hard, heavy, laborious,

I feel every word applied to the type of week I have had! TGIF!!!

TRIG- ARE YOU GONE ALREADY??????? I thought we had a FEW more days with you. Yes like BLUE said- we need time to BRACE for your absence!!! When you leave you ready do unplug. I can't do that. I am hooked.

BLUE- I know about reality hitting like a thud. Maybe you could reframe how you are going to approach the way you look at it. It is the NEXT NEST with you and the HUBS!!! A FRESH NEW START! Plus you will have a few extra $$ in your pocket. Nothing worse than being house poor.
But enjoy your time with DS. - Prepping to see mine. Does your son call you all too?
How is his job going? Does he still like it? Is he still at that upscale restaurant? Is he loving his city?

NIC- I have been so CORRECTED- HAHAHAHAH- PARDON- no pantsuit for you or BLUE! HAHA ROFL!!! I love my spring dresses! I find pant restrictive. Talk about confided and itchy. No thank you- I love a twirl and some bling. I am so curious as to what you will pick!
YAY- to the "boy" that will be a junior! - Put your seat beat on my friend. Time is going to FLY and another one will fly from the next before you know it.

I get you on the guy your mom is with. That text is a little over the top. Well a lot over the top. How is it you mom broke ribs? She fell? Doing what? How old is she? she is in her 60's right?
I do know just from experience that people MY age and older that are dating- thing can move pretty quick. 50's and over are very aware of the "CLOCK"- so boundaries may not be as strict. I have had issues with that. Guys wanting to move so FAST!!! MAYBE- this dude with your mom feels he is already part of your family???? I dunno- I second that it's for the best she is not in drop in distance.

Kmom- you should be in DC about now- I missed saying have a great trip!I will want to hear all about it when you return!

Lori- YOU are the motivation on here in the excersize dept! Although NIC- is upping her game!
I dunno if I would put up with working nights like that is I din't have to. I mean it's one thing to put a few hours in here and there a few days a week- in the day time. But evenings- NOPE- not for me. I love my evenings. I love to be at home after being gone all day. I love my time.

Whats on your weekend plan?
8 hours and counting. Although mentally I am already checked out from work. Just DONE. What a week!!! - TGIF! I will appear in body form only.
We have a few visitors today from another division to come and learn about our program.

Today I am searching for a place the kiddo and I can go. Yes our spot is taken!!!!! Plus we are on a budget.

So- I will check in later- OK WOE-Not much movement there- just stable.

Have a great day!
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