Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Sat, Jan-20-18, 08:29
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niccofive niccofive is offline
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Oh Blue, as soon as I started to read my eyes welled up, and one paragraph in I was boohoo-ing right along with you. You aren't ready and it is less a choice you are making than a choice that has to be made, and that sucks. I do know how much you love your neighborhood and your home- it was clear to me when I visited you. I am so sorry.

I do know, and you do know because you are already saying it, that you will make the transition and come out on the other side seeing the benefits and positives that this change brings. Good on you for knowing it, even though you won't yet be feeling it. And at least the wondering is over and some mobilization can take place, you know? Action can be better than limbo and worry.

But God love ya, sweetie, and lots of love and hugs to you and your DH.
ps- CONGRATS on the 12!

Jaz- Good luck with the packing. When is the departure date again? Some time in February?

Lori- Hope your weekend goes well and work too, in prep for inventory.

Trig- I sort of like my wings well done too, which usually happens during the second round of heating up leftovers. I might try doing the same recipe, with spices but without the baking soda next time, just for comparison.

I am not a financial guru but I do Dave Ramsey recommends against reverse mortgages. Not sure the ins and outs of it, that is all I know about it, point blank.

Hope you get out to a movie. Which one do you plan to see? I still kinda want to get to see Jumanji but time has just not allowed for it.

Hey KMom!


So yeah, the ILs are coming today around 4. It will be fine by the time they get here but honestly, I sort of wish they weren't coming today. DH was out of town since Wednesday morning and just got back late last night, the kids have been here practically 24/7, and we are hosting a big shindig tomorrow at 1:30. I just would have liked a full down day. But it will be fine, better than I am imagining (it always is) and whatever. I need to get over the grumps about it. Plus they are taking all six of us out to a nice dinner so there's that!

DS19 was uncharacteristically grumpy yesterday and it was a surprise. It just isn't in his nature to be that way. After a while he apologized and said he was sorry, he just woke up sort of angry and he thinks he is just really ready to go back to school and resume his routine and activities etc. I totally get it and told him so. I really appreciated that he apologized all on his own. I had held my tongue because I have tried to train myself to allow him to have moods and bad days, and not depend on him to always be upbeat- that isn't fair to him. He cheered up pretty quickly after that.

Guess what? DS16 not only passed his Spanish midterm exam but he got a C! I am not one to be thrilled with a C but with this teacher, that is a HUGE accomplishment. His buddy got a 60. Last year both he and his buddy scored in the freaking FORTIES on their final exam. This teacher is just horrible and teaches all upper-level Spanish after the first year. The first year teacher teaches correctly- entry level high school Spanish- and then they get this other teacher and she teaches them COLLEGE LEVEL Spanish with no instruction happening in the middle. AND she tests them on things she doesn't teach or review. It was horrible last year, so stressful. It is crazy when kids are taking AP and Honors classes, or things like physics and doing fine, and then struggling their butts off in freaking Spanish. He has done well on his other exams and his grades are looking good for this year so far. I am really pleased for him and he is proud of himself. I just dropped him off for play practice.

Guess that is all that is happening around here. The usual, more or less!
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