Thread: Paleo??
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Old Mon, Apr-15-13, 08:57
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yarralea yarralea is offline
Senior Member
Posts: 568
Plan: paleo with L plates
Stats: 180/162/143 Female 160cm
Progress: 49%
Location: Perth Western Australia

Hiya Leslie,

I've been low carb for ten years, and staying on the wagon has been difficult. I am 2 kilos heavier than when I started low carb (atkins) in 2002. I've had a baby in that time, and consistently fell off the wagon. I got to my heaviest this christmas and mid January I decided to stay on plan. I decided to check out Paleo. I decided that the small changes- which was quit sweeteners and dairy and make a good effort sourcing the grass fed meat and pastured eggs, was worth a solid crack.

I podcasted like a machine, getting a lot of info which supports the reasons for the paleo principles, which truly helped me. While its only been a few months, I feel I'm less likely to fall off plan for months at a time.
I'm finally sleeping better (more than 5 hours a night)and since my 6 year old daughter has gone paleo too her learning is improved and her bed wetting has ceased.

I would encourage everyone to switch to paleo for a month. The first week is tough as you source grassfed beef, and good eggs.

Oh and my weightloss is making me very happy. I'm eating far more and actually losing weight. Before I was eating so little and not losing, and gaining monumentally when I would fall off the wagon. Now I am eating so much more!
I told my partner I wanted to try this for a month, but I'm sorry, I will never go back, and neither is my daughter. I want to force him to come with me, but I'll just cook the evening meal, and gradually discourage him from going to the shops.

Regaining my sleep has been wonderful. I have so many friends who should do this, gluten is seriously evil and grains will never be part of my family's diet. I wish I could encourage them, but of course they are hardly ready. On a positive note I am looking fitter and people are taking notice of that.

Good luck- search latest in paleo or that paleo show for a 12 podcast intro to paleo.Latest in Paleo is a good podcast, but That paleo show is a nice little intro to paleo. I also like it because it is australian.

Good luck, I hope you decide its not as restrictive as so many people perceive. If you've gone gluten free, grain free and dairy free already the remaining changes are easy peasy.
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