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Old Tue, Jan-29-13, 18:38
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Rosebud Rosebud is offline
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Location: Brisbane, Australia

Threads from 2013 to 2014

Top 11 Biggest Lies of Mainstream Nutrition

Novel Dietary Ideas

Correlation does not equal Causation!

Cardiovascular Health/Disease
Diabetic fruit flies support buzz about dietary sugar dangers
Locally led study shows hardened arteries were a curse for mummies, too
Excess Sugar May Double Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds
170 countries Study: Cardiovascular disease burden highest with low animal fat intake

Sugar blamed for pumping up blood pressure

Obesity Makes Fat Cells Act Like They're Infected
New Way Discovered to Block Inflammation
LC is anti-inflammatory; high-fiber, whole grain not so much
Low-carbohydrate diet reduced inflammation in study

New Rules for Giving Good Cholesterol a Boost
Does cholesterol play a beneficial role in immunity?
Cholesterol Levels: Heart of the Matter, Dietary Villains
Cholesterol and heart disease: Where is the science? [Dr Eades]
High levels of cholesterol said better for longevity

Statins nullify Omega-3
Some statins 'raise diabetes risk'
Commonly Prescribed Statin Linked to Memory Impairment, Study in Rats Suggests

Saturated Fats
Saturated fat, from BMJ
Dietary Fats and Health: Dietary Recommendations in Context of Scientific Evidence
Saturated fat is not the major issue
New study - Saturated fat doesn't increase heart disease risk

Olive Oil
Olive Oil Makes You Feel Full
It's safe to cook at high temps with olive oil (according to Kresser)

Trans fats
A Lifelong Fight Against Trans Fats

Fat Cells
Important Factor in Fat Storage and Energy Metabolism
Not all fat is packaged the same way, Yale researchers find
White Fat Cells Feel the Cold, Burn Calories for Heat
Scientists find the origin of 'bad' fat linked to heart disease and cancer

- Brown/Beige Fat
Viagra Converts Undesirable White Fat Cells Into Beige Ones in Mice: May One Day Lead to New Weight Loss Methods
Knowing How Brown Fat Cells Develop May Help Fight Obesity
Scientists explain age-related obesity: Brown fat fails
Cold helps body turn bad fat into good fat

Atkins versus cancer?
Summation of Seyfried's Cancer book
What does cancer eat? Sugar, mostly
Cancer is a metabolic disease that can be managed with low-carb ketogenic diet
Research Reveals How Sugar CAUSES Cancer

- Breast Cancer
Insulin again implicated in breast cancer

- Bowel Cancer
Sweet snacks 'link to bowel cancer'
A Low-Carb Diet Cuts Risk of Colon Cancer
Eating like a caveman 'cuts bowel cancer risk by half'

- Liver Cancer
Low fat intake is associated with pathological manifestations and poor recovery in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

- Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer linked to carbs
Sugary Drinks Linked To Cancer Risk In Women

- Skin Cancer
Melanoma cells found to be addicted to glucose, offering new treatment hope

It's The Sugar, Folks
LC Diet should be First Approach for Diabetics
New Type Of 'Good' Fat Could Help Cure Diabetes

- Type 1
Finnish team makes diabetes vaccine breakthrough
Cure for Type 1 diabetes imminent after Harvard stem cell breakthrough

- Type 2
Drinking One 12-Ounce Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drink a Day Can Increase the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 22 Percent, Study Suggests
Two Diets with Different Hemoglobin A1c and Antiglycemic Medication Effects Despite Similar Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetes
Hearty breakfast rich in protein and fat may be best for diabetics
More weight loss operations for diabetes

Study Sheds Light On Why Diet May Help Control Seizures in Epilepsy Patients

Coeliac Disease/Gluten Sensitivity
Gluten Confirmed To Cause Weight Gain
Does gluten threaten the health of most humans?
Dr. Alessio Fasano: Spectrum of Gluten-Related Disorders
Does gluten affect non-celiacs?

Multiple Sclerosis
Mouse Studies Reveal Promising Vitamin D-Based Treatment for MS

Glycolytic control of vacuolar-type ATPase activity: a mechanism to regulate influenza viral infection

GIT Function/Disease
GERD by Dr. Michael Eades
The GERD diet

Dental Health
Beyond Sugar and Soda: Nutritional Cures for Damaged Teeth

High glycemic foods and dairy linked to acne

Autism and Diet: Is There a Connection?

Dietary Protein

- Eggs
Stop Trashing Eggs: Large Study Finds No Harm
Another reason to go to work on an egg - it could lower your blood pressure

- Lab/Kitchen Grown Meat
World's first lab-grown burger to be cooked and eaten

Do you really need to drink eight cups of water a day?

Enjoying your alcohol?

Dairy Food
Dairy stimulates insulin?
Could dairy products be the cause of some children’s constipation? [Dr Briffa]
Study Links Fattier Milk To Slimmer Kids

Fruit & Veg
Berries Linked to Lower Heart Disease Among Women
GM Corn

Dietary Fat
Time Cover Story - Eat Butter

- Margarine
Dr Briffa: impossible to reconcile margarine’s heart-healthy image with the facts

Another reason to avoid grains
"Grain Brain" new book by David Perlmutter & Kristin Loberg

- Wheat
Does Wheat Cause Heart Disease?
Looks Like Dr. William Davis Was Right in Wheat Belly
Dreamfields Pasta Fined $8 mln in Fraud settlement

BMJ: Science souring on sugar
Cut intake of Sugar to tackle obesity epidemic globally: WHO
9 Reasons To Avoid Sugar As If Your Life Depended On It
25,000 U.S. Deaths Linked to Sugary Drinks

Revealed: fructose 'may spur overeating'
Processed Foods, High Fructose Corn Syrup Making People ‘Stupid’
NYT: Vulnerability to Fructose Varies, Health Study Finds

Sugar Substitutes
Another new artificial sweetener approved by FDA
Why do artificial sweeteners have an aftertaste?

Harvard study: Eating nuts may make you live longer

Salt Awareness Week – 10 BS things to be aware of
No Benefit Seen in Sharp Limits on Salt in Diet
Shaking up the Salt Myth: The Human Need for Salt

Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters

Are You Eating These Supplemental Foods?
Calcium plus vitamin D3 supplementation facilitated Fat loss

- Vitamin D
Vitamin D – could it stop 'modern’ diseases?

- Magnesium

Study finds dietary fibre is more likely to be cause of, rather than a cure for, constipation and other bowel symptoms

Anti-obesity Drugs
Upcoming Obesity Drugs

Artificial Light
Artificial light's effect on sleep / obesity

Jet Fuel, Plastics Exposures Cause Disease in Later Generations; Reproductive Diseases, Obesity
Tributyltin exposure may cause ‘transgenerational obesity’
Genetic mutation linked to severe obesity
Genes That Help Europeans Break Down Fat Come From Neanderthals

Pregnancy & Breast Feeding
Eating Junk Food While Pregnant May Make Your Child a Junk Food Addict
Insulin resistance may affect breast milk production

High-carb intake in infancy has lifelong effects, UB study finds

Childhood Obesity
Obese youngsters at far greater risk than had been supposed
Metabolic impact of a ketogenic diet compared to a hypocaloric diet in obese children
Study links BPA to obesity in girls

Consumption of Sugary Drinks during Adolescence Impairs Learning Abilities, Study

Hormones & Enzymes
New Study:Warnings From a Flabby Mouse(NYTIMES)
Hormone Combination Shows Promise in the Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes
Discovery of new hormone opens doors to new type 2 diabetes treatments
Hormone May Help Fight Obesity and Reduce Cholesterol
Multihormone Reverses Metabolic Damage of High Calorie Diet

- Ghrelin
Scientists Find How 'Obesity Gene' Makes People Fat
Appetite Hormone Misfires in Obese People

The Brain
Scientists uncover dieting dilemma [NPY]
Blame Your Brain When You Cave To The Craving
High-fat diet postpones brain aging in mice

Can cutting carbohydrates from your diet make you live longer?
Healthy Living May Lengthen Telomeres And Lifespans
Is gut bacteria the secret to a LONG LIFE?

The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s
Higher blood sugar may raise the risk of dementia, study suggests
Lower Blood Sugars May Be Good for the Brain

Calorie Restriction/Resveratrol
Resveratrol doesn't extend life

Abdominal Fat
Butt fat might not be better than gut fat

Blood ketones depress appetite -- and how it happens.
Ketones Inhibit AGE Formation
Ketones have anticancer effects regardless of glucose levels
Stressed normal weight men show high ketone reactivity
Ketosis in an Evolutionary Context

Carbohydrate Withdrawal
Why carb flu?
Low Carb Flu or Wheat Withdrawal? [Dr Davis]

In Food Cravings, Sugar Trumps Fat

NuSI (New Science Initiative)
Why Are We So Fat - Wired Article

Dr Peter Attia
Two Choices
Peter Attia TEDMED Talk
Fat Flux
Ketones and Carbohydrates: Can they co-exist?
Ketosis and exercise
The War on Cancer
Dr. Attia on Dr. Oz: The Truth about Saturated Fat

Dr Briffa
How our beliefs about what controls our weight may actually affect our weight
My take on the fish oil and prostate cancer study - Dr. Briffa
Higher protein diets are better for fat loss and muscle preservation during weight loss
Dr Briffa's Radio Interview
Dr Briffa complains to NHS Choices website about its stance on carbs
Get Fit, Lose Weight, and Feel Great the Easy Way!

Dr Davis
Wheatlessness: A 21st Century Health Strategy
I lost the Wheat, but not the weight

Drs Eades
Eat Less, Move More, Die Anyways
Dr Eades: 2 New Blog Posts

Professor Richard Feinman
Red Meat and the New Puritans

Nora Gedgaudas
A Primal Diet for Modern Times, part 1

Stephan Guyenet
Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight

Zoë Harcombe
Food for Thought: Have We Been Giving the Wrong Dietary Advice?
The Calorie Theory

Dr Lustig
Fat Chance: New Dr. Robert Lustig Video

Chris Masterjohn
We Really Can Make Glucose From Fatty Acids After All! O Textbook, How Thy Biochemistry Hast Deceived Me!

Denise Minger
Why I’m Not Dismissing the Latest “Animal Protein is Bad” Study

Journalist Michael Moss
Salt, Sugar and Fat - interview with author Michael Moss

Tom Naughton
Fat Head--An 8 minute Follow-up
Diet, Health and the Wisdom of Crowds
Revisiting Resistant Starch

Professor Timothy Noakes
The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial: An inconvenient finding and the diet-heart hypothesis
Dr. Tim Noakes interview on his change to Low Carb

Jenny Ruhl
ACCORD final analysis

Mark Sisson
Omega ratios not really important

Science Journalist Gary Taubes
What Really Makes Us Fat -- Taubes in the BMJ
New Gary Taubes lecture on Obesity

Nina Teicholz
The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz

Jeff Volek
The Many Facets of Keto-Adaptation: Health, Performance, and Beyond

Dr Westman
Recent LC Presentation by Dr Westman

Ancestral Health Symposium 2014

Studies Proving Efficacy of Low Carb Diets
Beyond weight loss: a review of the therapeutic uses of very-low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets
British Journal of Nutrition Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet
23 Studies on Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diets
Long Term Scientific Verification of The Paleo Diet
Cutting Back On Carbs, Not Fat, May Lead To More Weight Loss
The effects of ketogenic dieting on skeletal muscle and fat mass

Junk Studies re Diabetes
Splenda has Diabetes Promoting Effects in Humans
Eating red meat may boost Type 2 diabetes risk

Junk Studies re Cardio/cerebrovascular Disease
Losing Weight Sooner Rather Than Later Gives Best Chance of Reversing Heart Damage from Obesity, According to Mouse Study
New Heart Disease Culprit: Red Meat and TMAO
Skipping Breakfast May Increase Coronary Heart Disease Risk
Regular Consumption Of Diet Drinks Linked To Heart Problems In Older Women

- Junk Studies re Cancer
BBC News: Cholesterol 'Fuels' Breast Cancer

Junk Studies re Aging and Alzheimer's/Dementia
Dieting Does Not Seem to Matter in Health of Obese Seniors Age 75 and Older
Cholesterol linked to brain changes that cause Alzheimer's Disease

Shonky Research/Poor Research Reporting
Diet soda increases diabetes risk by 60%
Palatability vs hypoglycemia
Anti-Obesity Effect of Lactobacillus gasseri BNR17 in High-Sucrose Diet-Induced Obese
Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet
Are high-fat diets to blame for ADHD and learning disabilities?
They're attacking bacon again
High-Fat diets make you drowsy?
Wonders of vegetable oil
40 Years of Federal Nutrition Research Fatally Flawed, Study Finds
Science has lost its way, at a big cost to humanity
Cooking with Splenda found to release cancer-causing dioxins in food

Too Ridiculous for Words
Coca-Cola to tackle obesity
Segway Inventor Patents A Gadget That Sucks Food Directly Out of your Stomach
A Spoonful (Or Less) Of Sugar Helps The Vegetables Go Down

Low Carb Scams
Low Carb Scams

Conflict of Interest
Big Food Ties to Registered Dieticians
Sugar Propaganda Alert!

GIT Bacteria and Viruses
Bacteria in the Intestines May Help Tip the Bathroom Scale, Studies Show
'Weight loss gut bacterium' found
Changing gut bacteria through diet affects brain function, UCLA study shows
Bacteria from slim people could help treat obesity, study finds
Gut Bacteria Shift Quickly After Changes in Diet, Study Shows
Would YOU eat Baby Poo sausages? Scientists say they boost good gut bacteria
Do gut bacteria rule our minds? In an ecosystem within us, microbes evolved to sway food choices
Jet lag can cause obesity by disrupting the daily rhythms of gut microbes
In the Gut: The mix of Bacteria can Affect Weight

A Look Back at Fitness Reporting
Truth About Exercise (Lecture)
Lift Weights to Lower Blood Sugar? White Muscle Helps Keep Blood Glucose Levels Under Control
Exercise found to improve ‘fat genes’, but what about its effect on actual fat?
Cardio = Deadio?
Exercising for 1/2 hour helps you lose more weight than going for a full hour
Can Working Out Actually Cause Weight Gain In Women?

Weight Loss Surgery/Procedures
Laser Liposuction Melts Fat, Results in Tighter Skin
Implant that tells you when you’re full

Eating/Dieting Throughout History
Earliest Archaeological Evidence of Human Ancestors Hunting and Scavenging
How long have "humans" and their ancestors been eating meat?
Putting Time In Perspective

Paleo Info
Eating like a caveman makes good sense - why the Paleo diet must be taken seriously

Intermittent Fasting
Fast track: Two days of fasting a week is the new way to diet
Intermittent Fasting: Why It’s Not The Weight Loss Fix You Think It Is
Two Large Meals a Day Tops Six Mini-Meals for Weight Loss
another intermittent fasting study

General Obesity/Weight Loss
Another study shows that being overweight is good
Can Skinny Models Undermine Your Dieting Goals?
Obesity Approaching Cigarette Smoking as Leading Avoidable Cause of Premature Deaths
Stomach Bacterium Responsible For Ulcers Could Help Combat Obesity
Appetite control could be rewired, say researchers
The ‘Healthy Obese’ and Their Healthy Fat Cells
Obese but healthy? It’s a big, fat myth
Obesity: Not just what you eat

Global Warming
Sun Food vs. Oil Food
Maybe cereal crops aren't blameless (for global warming)

A Good Way to Measure Obesity? Fat Chance
ABSI Calculator: What is the Obesity Test More Effective than BMI?

How Forks Gave Us Overbites and Pots Saved the Toothless
Ancient Teeth Bacteria Record Disease Evolution
Livestock can save grasslands & prevent desertification
Sun's blood pressure benefits 'may outdo cancer risks'
similarities between germ-free mice and ketogenic humans
Why Women Need Fat
Dietary Epigenics: New Frontiers
11 biggest-lies-of-mainstream-nutrition
Farmer pens Open Letter to Angry Vegetarians
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