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Old Sat, Sep-05-09, 06:43
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RCFletcher RCFletcher is offline
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Posts: 6,068
Plan: Food Combining
Stats: 220/175/154 Male 5feet5inches
Progress: 68%
Location: Newcastle UK

Eat yourself slim by Montiac.

A summary of Montiac's ideas is don't eat sugar and starches which is too easily digested. that means: don't eat white bread, pasta, danish, cake, sweets and so on. but most important: don't eat it together with fats. fats should only be eaten together with proteins and vegetables.

the other rule is: don't eat fruit just after having eaten something else. it takes 3 hours to digest normal food, and the fruit will have difficulties getting digested. eat fruit one hour before a meal or at least three hours after a meal.

eat starches with vegetables or fats with vegetables. proteins goes with either.

the good thing is that montiac loves dark chocolate (70%), cheese and wine, so the diet isn't at all boring or difficult to do.

Montiac is French and an American version of food combining is Somersizing.

Somersizing" is named coined to describe the diet plan authored by actress Suzanne Somers, well-known as Chrissy from "Threes Company". The most recent version of her diet is Suzanne Somers Get Skinny on Fabulous Foods.

Food combining was invented by Hay in the 1920's or earlier.

The Hay Diet Made Easy - A Practical Guide to Food Combining (Paperback)
by Jackie Habgood (Author) will tell you all about it.
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