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Old Fri, Aug-15-08, 23:07
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DazzlingMa DazzlingMa is offline
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Plan: Atkins
Stats: 297/273/170 Female 63 inches
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Well, you're right, "they" don't recommend it. Having said that, I am currently consuming induction level carbs AND breastfeeding, but I am nursing a 20/mo toddler. I drink tons of water, and watch him very closely. I have noticed NO changes in his behavior/urine output/appetite/etc., nor has he complained of a change in taste. I have had no problems with supply, either. I did test my milk with a keto stick, with a negative result. My personal opinion (simply based on what I would do, not what I think you should do) is that ANY kind of "diet" should wait until at least 6 months when you are BFing- it's so hard in the beginning to know whether they are being affected by the things you are putting into your body since they can be sensitive to almost anything, or just spit-up for no reason at all. At that age I found out that LO was allergic to beef proteins which meant I couldn't have dairy, or any beef. I also had to hold off on caffeine, diet sodas (fake sugar), and several other things to keep his tummy from getting upset. I tell you that for two reasons; one because I am a firm believer that what you ingest (or in this case, don't ingest) WILL affect babe, even though some people will tell you otherwise and two because if you are set on LC and you have to start cutting things, dairy/beef is usually the first to go. That would be hard on me in this WOE.

I ramble a little (ok, a lot) but I will end by saying that as a lactivist (woot! yay for breastfeeding) I would love to see you stick with it, even if that means giving induction a try now. Just watch babe closely. Also, if I were going to try to start that young, I may consult with LO's pedi beforehand just to get an opinion.

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