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Old Fri, Feb-29-08, 11:18
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pennink pennink is offline
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Location: Niagara Falls, ON

wow, my ears were burning!


Yes, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Mine, they say, was caused from my WAY too high blood pressure that went unchecked for years.

They put me on Avapro and diuretics and, at first, the DASH diet. Yes, the blood pressure did come down, but too far and I was fainting all the time. Also, I wasn't losing weight.
Soooo, they put me on WW's, 1200-calorie a day, low fat diet. I gained more weight.

FINALLY (and the stupid thing is, I've been low carbing on and off since the 70s, but I was too scared to do it because of the heart disease) I met a noted nephrologist on a plane who said to me point blank, "Atkins is a wonderful diet. It may just be the only diet to save your life." That was last May.

Fast forward to January of this year.
I get a call from my doctor (at work, how scary is that?) after my echo.
Apparently, now, my heart disease is 'negligible'. She was astounded. EVERYONE is astounded. Bear in mind, they'd told me I had only about 3 to 5 years to live!!!! Now, it's barely worth mentioning!!!! holy shite!!!!

Yes, I still get angina attacks, but my doc explains it like overstressing any muscle. It's going to take time to stop it from being overstressed. She still wants me to refrain from exercise until I'm down to about 160, but I'm now able to walk more.

I am now, also, no longer borderline diabetic.

My family doctor is true convert now. Researching and learning everything about low carb and how the introduction in the 70s of HFCs and the damn food pyramid junk has caused the obesity epidemic.

I'm working on getting rid of all the meds right now. they are going to re-assess me in April and my fingers are crossed!

(oh, and low carb also cured my acne, snoring--I still will snore if I eat anything too carby--PCOS and balanced my chequebook... --well, I can hope can't I?)

save your life. go low carb.
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