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Old Mon, Oct-22-07, 11:41
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AKSonya AKSonya is offline
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Posts: 166
Plan: Atkins M&E
Stats: 281/253/150 Female 64"
Progress: 21%
Location: Alaska
Post Hello and Just now learning about my condition..

yeah, Just now learning about my condition even though I had it about 20 years ago and was told that I have cyst's on my ovaries and endometriosis, but they never gave me any more info than that! I had the test to find out if my fallopian tubes were blocked and thats how they found out...I was in pain in my pelvis allll the time! I would go months without a period! I didn't have insurance so had to quit seeing a doctor at that time. (I lived in the bush of Alaska, fly in to dr only, so was spendy)....I was told that me having a baby basically would be one in a million....I never went any further than that. I have always been overweight and that didn't help! When I was previously married for 3 years, never got pregnant (thank God!)...rofl

And then when i got married a few years later, we wanted to get pregnant but in 3 years it didn't happen and with my knowing that I likely couldn't I just gave up in a fit of tears and frustration. I had been eating sooo horribly and it was all carbs, almost trying to cover the pain i guess. My mom tried to help me and started teaching me about eating healthy and it was basically a granola/whole grain/vegie diet with lots of fish...I lost a few pounds and then we got offered a baby to adopt and hubby and I jumped on it...(baby is from his second cousin)...Baby girl, Katerina!!! Well, then 4 months later, I got pregnant!! What a shocker!! I fell in a crumple of joyous tears!

So anyhow, We decided to move into the city from the village to be near a hospital. I knew I was high risk. Which was a smart move in the long run! (no clinic or anything in the village)....I ended up with gestational diabetes and the baby was born 4 weeks early via emergency C-section due to my water breaking and him being in the wrong position. He was born 5 days before our daughter's first birthday. They 360 days apart!! I struggled hard to deal with a toddler/baby and an infant and also recover from my C-section. I didn't recover well.

We moved to a smaller city and I felt better. Four years after Billy was born I started a good diet (south beach) and lost a few pounds (about 20)...I got pregnant but it was a tubal pregnancy and I had to get those shots in the tummy to deal with it....Then about 3-4 months after that I got pregnant again! Shocker!! No gestational diabetes this time as I was being careful about my diet, not as careful as I coulda been though! I woke up 6 wks early hemoraghing (sp?) and had to have another ER C-section!! They told me that i was lucky as I barely caught it, my uterus was bursting open on the inside of me! While they were working on me, the DR said "Oh man! you are loaded with cysts and fibroid tumors!!" ...she told me she did her best to clean them out! (a blessing there)....But Jakob went to NICU and was on a ventilator for 3 days and I got released on the 3rd day, but a week later was re-admitted into the hospital cause I wasn't healing! I had to go through wound therapy and heal from the inside out! It was awful! To make matters worse, I ended up with my baby being brought over from NICU to my room and was expected to care for him while healing! It was a nightmare!

I developed a skin condition in my groin area that was like a yeast/candida problem. So the Candida started taking me over from that point on as I was on tons of antibiotics at that time, eating all wrong (almost defiantly), and went into a deep depression (baby blues too?)...For the next five years I spent learning about Candida off and on...thinking WW was the way for me (it wasn't) ....

And now, My periods are more regular I believe due to the DR in ER having cleaned me out and I have less pain. But, my face has been getting the facial hair even worse (shaving it ughh I am allergic to the creams) and I am getting grey hair super fast!! And on top of it I have Candida!! So I am just now learning that what I have is called PCOS, I didn't realize or wasn't informed by doctors about PCOS or anything about it!!! I am soo grateful for this forum as I am learning so much about myself!

I am now on Atkins and feeling some relief but am not losing weight...I did lose 17 lbs in the first 2 weeks but have gained some of that back and I am currently bouncing around 265-269 over and over....I do need to get a good DR but locally that may not be possible which means an hour drive and am hoping my insurance will cover it!

Well, thanks for letting me share my story and if you have any insights I would be forever grateful!
Love & Huggers,
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