Thread: Binging!!!
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Old Fri, Feb-23-07, 19:55
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waywardsis waywardsis is offline
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I'd say it's about both - the food, and the spiritual/emotional. Just as alcoholism is both a physical and emotional addiction (and smoking, drugs etc) Even with things like gambling, there is a physical (chemical) reaction in the brain that is, in itself, addictive.

I can absolutely binge on LC. I still have moments where I have to ask myself why I want to eat - am I bored? Frustrated? (My two triggers) It's just much easier for me to recognize these urges for what they are now, because in my case I am no longer experiencing the physical reaction that certain foods were causing...gastrointestinally and neurologically. Same as now that I am no longer physically addicted to nicotine, I can resist the mental urge to smoke a cigarette. I had to work on both to be successful and in the case of smoking, it was way more mental than physical! Food was the opposite. Strange, but there you go.

I know OA is a wonderful program that works for many people. For those who don't take to it (some don't, and that's ok!) there are other options...there is a book by Allan Carr, can't think of the title offhand (sorry) but he wrote one about quitting smoking that helped me quit; he's also written one about food/eating. I haven't read it, but if it's anything like his smoking book it's amazing. I don't know if progams like Rational Recovery have ED options. In any case, the emotional needs must be addressed; but I would add that the physical must also be addressed. At least ruled out. What can it hurt? There are doctors calling for it (Like James Braly, Ron Hoggan), but it's largely going unheard by the mainstream. I don't know why.

Hi Mb21! Welcome to our happy little thread!
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