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Old Mon, Feb-27-06, 15:11
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bubazoo bubazoo is offline
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Plan: SCD
Stats: 206/129/168 Male 6 feet 2 inches
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Location: Warsaw, Indiana USA
Default Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Hello everyone,

My name is Tom, some of you may know me from the SCD Longisland ListServ

I've been on SCD for 3 1/2 years now.

I've had Crohn's Disease for 9 years now, but I have always had low tollerances to sugar and alcohol products ever since I can remember. alcohol has always made me "throw up" for some reason, even small sips, don't know why always been that way ever since I can remember.

I was also born with CRS (Congenital Rubella Syndrome) which made me totally blind at birth. The Rubella left cataracts in my eyes. Today, I am 35 years old and am considered legally blind, and there's nothing they can do to remove the cataracts because the scar tissue (Rubella cells) around the eye are too tough for a lazer to cut thru, they've tried many times.

anyway, I'm on SCD because of my Crohn's... When I first started the diet over 3 years ago, I lost an incredible amount of weight, alot more then I wanted to, 121 was my lowest weight I think, and at 6'2 thats not good at all, but after a couple of years, I started to stabalize and I believe my last weight was 168, which I am happy with, still a little low but I am happy with that for the most part. I still fluctuate alot though depending upon how I feel. Even with SCD, autoimmune supporessors, and remicade, I still suffer in great amounts of pain, have been for the last 2 years now, with some awful Fistulas that just won't seem to go away no matter what I do..

As for SCD, ELaine's website is at:
The .org site you guys mentioned, webmistresses site, has been down for many months.

I also offer support, nutrition and recipes on my Forum's as well, I just started that forum about 3 months ago so I don't have a very active user base yet, but its starting to grow I have 25 users now, woohoo! hehe

but yeah, anything you want to know about SCD, I am the person to ask. I've been on it for over 3 years, and apart from a few Fistulas, have had very positive results from it. I follow a slightly more restricted form of the diet myself, just because some of the legal foods I still cannot tollerate, like Lentils, split peas, beans (pretty much all the high fibery foods give me problems), grapes, and other fruits because of the pectin in the skins.. I don't seem to have a problem with the yogurt though, long as its incubated for 24 hrs so I guess thats good

but I mean, I just "love" SCD. Gives me a chance to try out new recipes. I studied to be a nutritionist and dietician when I was a kid, but gave it up my senior year because I was young, and stupid, and have been cooking since I was 5 years old, so I went to college for Computers instead, but never finished because of eyesight issues seeing the blackboard in school, so I now work in a hot smelly factory, but hey its a job, right? I'm just lucky enough to still be working, suffering with Crohn's and all, so I'm happy for the most part.
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