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Old Mon, Apr-01-02, 15:43
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Lisa N Lisa N is offline
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Plan: Bernstein Diabetes Soluti
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Default Are we depriving our kids by not giving them sugar?

I've read a lot of posts lately where people say that they just can't bring themselves to take sugar and highly processed carbs away from their kids because they feel that they will be depriving them of something. Maybe I'm thinking wrong, but I don't feel like I'm depriving my kids of anything (except perhaps a lifetime of bad health) by not letting them eat all the sugar and junk food that they want whether they are thin or not. Yes, kids will feel deprived and restricted when they see their friends gobbling down twinkies and ding dongs at lunchtime and they have cheese, yogurt and nuts, but I'd rather that they feel deprived now than develop adult onset diabetes as teenagers because I wasn't a strong enough parent to stand my ground when they were young and tell them, "No, you can't eat's bad for you". My compromise has been to allow them one regular sugar treat a week...usually ice cream on Friday after school. The rest of the time we go sugar free and as unprocessed as possible and I think their health and behavior is much better because of it. What do the rest of you think?
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