Thread: Lipitor Rebel
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Old Sun, Sep-12-04, 10:47
Eagle-1 Eagle-1 is offline
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Posts: 20
Plan: Atkins/Diabetic
Stats: 137/138/128 Female 5'4 and 1/2"
Default Good for You!

Yes, it sure sounds like she's trying to score brownie points with Merck or something like that. Keep us posted.

P.S. Almost forgot to tell you, I did a search for side effects of Actos, and
found an article stating it's just a toxin, not to take it, etc. There's also at least one lawsuit about Avandia, which I take, but will watch out, and about possibly-permanent tendon damages from Levaquin. I have a lot of arm and shoulder pain, more than a year after taking some. Low-carbing is sometimes blamed for muscle problems, also my low thyroid, so I can't definitely determin the cause, am taking a muscle relaxant, methocarbamol, since April, 2003, more than a year. It helps with the pain.

Augmentin is recommended as a much safer and more effective substitute for quinalones.
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