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Old Sat, Aug-14-04, 14:08
Miss Model Miss Model is offline
Senior Member
Posts: 204
Plan: Atkins
Stats: 142/118/115 Female 5 feet 6 inches
BF:have no idea
Progress: 89%
Location: Idaho

I also have a similar history to you both. I started the whole low carb thing last summer, and if I do say so myself, looked amazing. Then all the sudden I became really compulsive about my weight. I was afraid to gain an ounce, so I pretty much quit eating, except for a piece of low carb bread a day, or a few stalks of celery. Then for Christmas my family went on a vacation to Mexico where there was the most INCREDIBLE buffet I had ever seen at the All-Inclusive hotel where we stayed. After starving myself to look good in my bikini for a few weeks, I totally caved and binged at dinner one night. I ate more in that ONE evening than I'd eaten in the past two weeks combined. I have NEVER felt that sick in my life ever... so that night was my first episode of binging and purging. I had to get the food out of my stomach... I literally thought I would die if I didn't. That's how sick I was from everything I ate. The next two weeks became a cycle, when I discovered I could eat all I wanted at dinner time, and then throw it up back in the hotel room. After this trip was over I'd gained a few pounds... so quickly fell back into my anorexia. Not only did I shoot my metabolism to hell... but I've been trying to restore it for the past few months, and I find myself so frusterated when I gain a few lbs back, that I end up emotion-binge-eating again, and the whole cycle begins anew. I started the Atkins Fat-Fast two weeks ago, and lost about 8 lbs. I then binged one night, and gained back about 5 of it. So I cursed myself, and then started the FatFast up for the past 4 days. I've lost all my binge weight, and now I started induction today. I will SUCCEED. I am going to do induction perfectly for the next two weeks. Just thought I'd share my story with everyone who can relate to eating disorders. Low Carbing is going to save my life. I'm ready.
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