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Old Sun, Jul-25-04, 13:55
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jbird jbird is offline
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Yeah I agree with Lisa. I wouldn't say anything and just keep doing what you are doing for your own children. I can't tell you how many times I've been to picnics with other moms and their kids where every single item they brought was prepackaged right on down to the PBJ even.

Thing is while my kids are sitting their eating fruit salad, celery with PB etc etc. They still want what the other kids are having and while I'm not ashamed of what I feed them I do feel bad that they are not old enough to understand why all of that isn't the best thing for them. Even when they are old enough they are still going to want most of that stuff and eat it when they are at their freinds houses anyway. The only thing we can do is do our best to feed them healthy stuff. As for other parents and their kids let them figure it out on their own. Most parents know what is healthy and if they aren't doing it for themselves liklihood is, they aren't going to be doing it for their kids either unfortunately.

I learned the lesson the hard way, not about food, but about telling one of my freinds she needs to back up what she says with her kids and that they need consequences etc. Well even though her kid has been kicked out of preschool for his behavior issues, she told me that I was wrong etc etc and we didn't speak for months after that. So take it from me let others do as they wish unless real abuse is involved and in that case its the authorities that need to be spoken to.

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