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Old Thu, May-03-01, 09:11
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Ruth Ruth is offline
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Stats: 287.4/255/155 Female 5' 6"
Progress: 24%
Location: Vancouver

Thanks Doreen,

I guess I'll be out tonight looking for NoSalt. I suspected low potassium, that's why I bought Halfsalt. I suppose one could use Nosalt in herb tea if I don't like the taste on its own.... hmmm.
Coffee/caffeine, I weaned myself from coffee about 7 months ago & rarely indulge now & feel fortunate that I'm not having to deal with that particular withdrawal right now.

Water.... I drink tons of water and have for years. I'm known for dragging a big water jug with me everywhere (even church). Since LCing I've bumped it up to 5 litres at least each day, consequently my Ketosticks have never moved past Trace or Small & often don't show.

Carbs....You're right, they are low. I'll have to work harder at getting my vegs ~ breakfast & lunch, because carbs at dinner will push up my BG. I keep detailed records B4 breakfast readings are 7.0 to 7.4 ~ 6:40 AM & I usually don't eat after 8 PM. That's 10 hours & 1 glucophage at dinner, another at bedtime!! I've kept my carbs low because I don't like going over 6.8 all the time. BTW, avg BG ~ bedtime can be 6.4, morning is 7.4. Must be the dawn phenomenon. Arggh!

I've been indoctrinated by Dr Bernsteins's Diabetes Solution about the damage that after meal spikes in BG will cause. Sigh... I'm waiting for the weight to fall off LOL!! so that the old body is less insulin resistant.

Now a note to Wa'il, what about your idea for a diabetes forum? Any ETA?

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