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Old Sat, Nov-10-01, 22:52
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Ruth Ruth is offline
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Also, I have told no one outside of the LC Community I am trying to change. I have a big fear of failure and I do not want to have to defend my food choices to others. Let alone family members.
Are you sharing with people other than this community?

It was a process: at first I didn't tell anyone. I, too, was wary of failure. Part way through Induction, I told a couple of close friends/family. After about 2 weeks, I told 2 close friends at work. 1 of them went ballistic on me. Whooeee! It was a rant of major proportions. I stood firm in my convictions that LC was healthy for me and was working! In an effort to cool Linda down, I said 'different diets work for different people". I never would have suspected she would go ballistic like that, it was out of character for her.

After the first 2 months, I tell everyone (if they ask or it comes up in conversation) that I'm doing Atkins. My suggestion: reread Atkins/PP before you tell anyone. You want to be rock-solid in your conviction about LC and be able to explain LC coherently. LOL - I'd better go re-read them books myself!

Food is all about choices: you/we choose to not eat bread/starch, etc. Others choose to eat those things. Some choose coffee, other don't. Some eat meat, others don't. Of course, you could always challenge them: We'll both eat the way we choose, after a month, let's see how much we each lost. Put up or shut up! It's a thought.

My older sister (an RN) wasn't sure about Atkins. (BTW, I'm a diabetic.) My response: If I don't lose weight, my lifespan will be shortened or I will suffer from complications of D. My eyesight seems to be the weak part of my body with D, so I may go blind. As far as heart/stroke: I'd rather have a heart attack as a slender/healthy weight person than as a morbidly obese person. She had to agree with me there and has been supportive ever since. She sometimes doesn't know what to feed me. I say 'don't worry about it, I'll have some tuna & mayo'.

One of my survival techniques: I leave a stash of tuna at her house and raid her fridge for mayo. I never have to eat high carb or go hungry at her house because of the tuna stash. I also have another stash in the trunk of my car. I've used it when out & about; if I'm invited to stay for a meal and the only food offered that I can eat is salad, out to the car I go & get some tuna. It works!
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