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Old Tue, Feb-24-04, 06:39
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kenkobiz kenkobiz is offline
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Stats: 333/240/190 Male 6'0"
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Asking a question like this is going to help you in this, and will probably help many others that are wondering the same thing.

Your question is one that we sometimes ask about all types of different things - we have all asked this type of question before, only on different subjects. It might be, "What makes the difference between someone that makes a lot of money and me that lives paycheck to paycheck" - or any question along these lines.

I have read a lot of different books on success and failure, and one of the most powerful books is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. In this book Mr. Hill studied highly successful people to see what they all had in common. People like Andrew Carnegie, The Rockefellers, etc. What he found was this:

These people had re-programmed their thought processes to make themselves think like rich people.

In other words, they didn't limit themselves with words like "try", "can't", etc. They realized early on that you attract what you think about - and if you spend all your time thinking about debt, or thinking about what you lack - then you are going to attract more debt and you are going to lack more. If you can re-program your way of thinking to expect abundance in your life, and believe it like it has already happened - then you will have abundance in your life. This is the only difference between these men and everyone else in that day.

So - how does this apply to your question? Many times we limit ourselves without even realizing that we are doing that. It may be some programming that was put in place by our parents about being heavy, it might be some programming that we picked up along the way about our self esteem, or one of many different things. These may not be things on the surface, but they work in the background, subconsciously, to keep us from doing what we know we need to.

The good news is you can change that. I have had to reprogram my way of thinking to start thinking like a skinny person. I find that if I focus on how much I have to lose, or how much I weigh, that I attract more weight. Here is how you can reprogram those thoughts - Start by sitting down and wriiting out the reasons that you both need to and want to lose weight. It doesn't matter if you have 2 reasons or 20 - write them down. Then, take them and turn them into positives in the present tense. Your subconscious mind doesn't work in the past, or the future - but in the now. Here is an example:

I want to lose weight so that I can play with my kids and not run out of energy

A present tense positive of that would be:

I am so happy that I have as much energy as my kids

Notice that it doesn't say that it is going to happen in the future, or that it has already happened - but that I currently have this. Another example might be:

I want to lose weight so that I look good

The present tense positive might be:

I am thrilled that my husband can't keep his eyes and hands off my new body

After you make a list of these types of statements, and turn them into positives - then make a cassette tape of yourself saying these things. Say each one multiple times, 3 or 4, with feeling. Don't just read them - believe them. Repeat the whole list multiple times, and the ones that are most important to you 15 or 20 times. Then take that tape and a set of headphones if you have to and listen to it just as you are falling asleep. This is when your subconscious mind is the most open to suggestion. Let the tape play through while you are asleep. Listen to it again in the morning when you get up, or in the car on the way to work. Keep this information running through your head and you will reprogram your way of thinking.

I think that you will be surprised at the results you get, and how easy it will be to start this and keep at it. Don't try it - do it.

I hope this helps
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