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Old Wed, Dec-03-03, 15:09
wcollier wcollier is offline
Mad Scientist
Posts: 4,402
Plan: Healthy eating/lifestyle
Stats: 156/115/115 Female 5'4 - small frame
Progress: 100%
Default BFL Challenge 1 Summary

Challenge 1 Summary

Well, I can't believe I made it through 12 weeks without missing a workout. Actually, it was 13 weeks b/c I did a 1 week trial run before my official start date. I must say, I'm very proud of myself.

My goals were a little different than most. What led me to BFL was the fact that I tested with very high estrogen levels as well as low testosterone. This is not a good thing since high estrogen is linked to cancer and low testosterone is linked to bone loss. Because you can't just "get rid" of estrogen, you have to create an environment to allow it to be metabolized out of your system. So aside from assessing my environmental "estrogenic" exposures, I learned that lifting weights would help me rid the estrogen from my system.

Goal #1: Reduce estrogen/increase testosterone

I have to admit that I wasn't thrilled at the prospect of taking up such an intense regimen. Given my history of starting and stopping my exercise programs over the last 5 years, I realized that I needed some motivation to get me started. In came BFL, thanks to my journal buddies (Koko, Red, Lily & Piano) inspiring me to do BFL. Had I not read the BFL book I probably would never have embarked on such a commitment. However, after reading all the inspirational stories and Bill Phillip's "Crossing the Abyss", something clicked and I summoned the motivation. I began to think I could do it.

Just as I was beginning, Arnie had just finished. He noted in his summary that he hadn't missed a workout. It was just the motivation I needed. Thank you Arnie!!!

Goal #2: Not miss a BFL workout

Due to my high estrogen, my weight was starting to creep up and I was finding it hard to lose, even with a controlled carb WOE. It had become incredibly frustrating b/c I felt like I was hitting a metabolic brick wall. The more I tried to lose weight, the harder my body would resist.

Goal #3: Fit back into my pants that I'd grown out of over the summer

With these 3 goals, I was ready to start my 12 week BFL transformation.

Part way through I became very frustrated b/c I wasn't seeing a lot of results. I wondered why I was busting my butt working out. Thankfully I had a lot of support and really thank Lilygirl for sharing her experience (and photos) and giving me her undying advice to "be patient, results will happen".

I started my program doing BFL-Eating by the book, but I included more healthy fats than recommended. I had lots of energy, but noticed I was getting a lot of lactic acid burn during my workouts. I decided on about Week 8 to switch to the lower carb program (50 ECCs) to see if it would help. It did help some, although I noticed that my workouts suffered b/c I felt weaker. This is an area I will have to work on.

Finally on Week 10, the magic happened. I dropped a bit of weight on the scale, finally! Then I decided to try on some pants. My summer pants that I'd "grown into" were baggy and my winter pants fit! I was euphoric b/c I wasn't prepared for the fact that at my higher weight, I would fit into my old clothes. Logically I knew it, but didn't really internalize it. All my hard work was starting to pay off.

Just as I was pumped to really give it my all for the next 2 weeks, I got occipital neuralgia, which was creating stabbing migraine-like pain in my right temple when I lifted or did cardio. According to Bill, this was the "facing adversity" challenge. That was obviously the toughest and most frustrating week for me. I didn't want to fail at my goal of not missing my workouts so I persevered. Two lifting sessions became unbearable so I had to quit them partway through. Feeling guilty about it, I completed those 2 workouts after my BFL challenge was complete. The neuralgia will hopefully resolve itself during my week of rest.

There is still much I could have done better. I don't think I pushed myself hard enough. In the back of my mind, I was always afraid of injury, especially without a spotter. Workouts have always meant injury for me. What's truly amazing is that I went through 12 weeks without a knee injury. I don't think that's ever happened before. And I was able to run for short sprints for the first time in my life.

Bill talks about your high points coming from your mind, not your muscles. I wonder if I have some self-imposed limitations that have prevented me from reaching higher. I'd like to make that my focus on my next challenge, but I think I'll really need to increase my carbs to make it work for me as well as finding ways to get through the lactic acid burn.

I'm taking this week off, as required. I think for the next few weeks I'd like to test the bounds of my strength doing low reps at higher weights to see what my limitations are. Then the first Monday of the New Year is probably a great time to start another challenge.

As for my goals, I reached my goals, except Goal #1 wasn't directly related to BFL so it will be ongoing throughout my challenges. But I didn't miss a workout and I fit into my pants.

To celebrate my success, I'd like to find a place that does hydrostatic body fat testing. The weakest point during this challenge was that I didn't have a clearly accurate way of charting my success. I'd like to compare the hydrostatic results to caliper tests and my body fat scale.

OK, now for the pictures. I've uploaded my "before and afters" into the gallery. Just click on my "gallery" icon to view them. I'm not sure how long I'll leave them there. I feel a little exposed, to say the least. I will also post a picture of me wearing my pants, but I have to do that maybe tomorrow. Anyway, I'm disappointed b/c I had planned on taking pictures with the same bathing suit, but the elastic went on the bottoms so I had to buy a new bathing suit. I hope it doesn't make it too hard to compare, but I promise I didn't suck in my stomach and I wasn't slouching. LOL, my "before" poses look pretty stupid. Live and learn!

I'm not happy with my thighs and my love handles. The love handles came along with the high estrogen, but my thighs have always been my weak point. I'm definitely a pear shape. That'll be for my next challenge.

Here are my stats:

Take these stats with a grain of salt since I'm not sure how much is user error. But I'm happy I was at least tracking this b/c although I only lost 3 lbs, it notes that I actually lost 7 lbs of fat (4.5% BF), but gained 4 lbs of muscle. The graph was noteworthy b/c I slightly increased my size on some of my body parts that are muscle indicators (Shoulders, bicep, forearm, and calf) and I lost in the fat indicator sites - my abs, hips and waist. Good news for a pear shape!

So now it's time to look back on this Challenge as a turning point in my life - the time that I welcomed exercise back into my life. Thank you everyone (Nat, Lily, Koko, Red, Cindy, Piano, Arnie & Ladybelle) who had a part to do in this. Most of all, thank you Bill Phillips!


In my gallery, if you sort by "latest" (just below the search field), the pictures are in better order.
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