Thread: Burning Fat
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Old Fri, Jul-25-03, 10:53
Natrushka Natrushka is offline
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Originally Posted by Dustin
Is it better to run or walk fast to burn fat?
Hiyah, Dustin

The answer is pretty much "yes". It's best to do both, variety keeps the body guessing and it keeps you from becoming bored. The research, however, tends to favour higher intensity exercise for greater fat burning.

Here's a cut and paste of some information that explains all the details. [from]

The Low Intensity = Fat Loss Myth

It is a myth that low intensity is best for fat loss just because more fat is burned for fuel as a percentage of the total calories burned.

Low Intensity (L.I. for short) burns about 50% fat for fuel while High Intensity (H.I.) burns about 40%. This is not a big difference.

Say, for example, you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of L.I. work compared to 160 calories in 10 minutes of HI work, you've still burned more total fat doing HI.

High intensity training will also boost your metabolism long AFTER the workout is done. This does not happen with low intensity training.

High Intensity training is a powerful fat loss tool, but should only be used by trainers who already have a good level of fitness.

The basic idea when you're trying to lose fat is to create a caloric deficit. The type of training does not matter so much as creating that deficit. High Intensity training just creates the deficit more efficiently than Low Intensity training.

All this being said, it's better to do something than nothing, and it's better to do that which you enjoy as it's more likely you'll continue on with it.

In your quest to banish fat don't forget that weight lifting is a tool you should consider adding to your repetoire - lean muscle burns fat long after you're done working out.

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