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puppetlady Wed, Feb-26-03 09:44

Low Carb has changed my life.
I was walking in my kitchen this morning just fixing myself something to eat and I almost started to cry. Not those sad tears over something sad but tears of relief. 17 years of pain and chronic fatigue and finally something that is helping me to conquer it and this time it feels like for good. This time it feels like I am gonna make it !!!!!!!............For 17 years I have functioned at half speed.....dragging myself out of bed from not really sleeping....dragging myself up the stairs with legs that just don't work . My mind saying go GO , my body refusing to listen. Feeling like I was wearing a lead suit somedays. Sleeping for hours at a time during the day just to make it till bedtime.

But this morning the old me was walking around the kitchen . A body not tied in knots, legs that feel graceful and strong again. Being able to move lightly across the floor and not feel like I have cement blocks tied to my ankles. It stopped my dead in my tracks realizing that finally I might get some freedom from the pain and fatigue that has been such a part of my life for the past 17 years.

What others take for granted I have come to see as precious. Walking without pain ...........Seems like a simple thing but for me it had become a way of life that I thought I might never escape.I can remember just walking across the lawn with my husband would sometimes almost send me into tears because I would start to lose hope and think that I might never walk "normal" again or that it might get even worse and that I might not be able to walk.He would always just stop and walk slower with me or hug me and tell me to keep trying ,that someday I would find the answer, someday I would be well. I am a pretty positive person and I promised myself I would keep fighting but there are days when we all feel weak and I had my share of those as well.

I have taken supplements for years that helped to bring about some improvement but I have discovered that Low Carbing is the thing that is bringing about the most change I have seen in all this time. The key for me has been to stop poisoning myself with wheat,white flour,bread,sugar and just eliminating those for 7 weeks is finally bringing me the real healing I have been looking for.I am finally getting my health back and Low Carbing is the Way for me. Don't ever give up looking for ways to feel your best ! I really believe this time I have found the way back.

lkonzelman Wed, Feb-26-03 09:50

You post was very moving and I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing with us.

dancermom Wed, Feb-26-03 10:06

Puppetlady, I'm new to the forum and just read your post from 2/10. Wow, what a difference! So glad you stuck it out! I know that low carb makes me feel better, but I keep sliding off. Reading a post like yours makes me more determined. Diana

puppetlady Wed, Feb-26-03 10:20

HI Diana,
I did get a really rough start because during induction I had a flare that lasted about a month so I was having lots of muscle cramping and fatigue but now that I am over that I feel really great and am so happy I stuck it out. This forum and all the wonderful people here make all the difference and can really pull you through the rough spots so if you ever feel like quitting just come here first and let out a big yell and I am sure someone will help you out. Glad to see you here. You might want to start your own journal. It is fun to have people come by and write to you!
Also if you wanna talk about what is making you keep sliding off I am sure someone will have an idea or two for you to try. We have all had days where we slide but everday is a new beggining to try again. I haven't been eating as much for the past 3 days myself so that is a slide itself. I promised myself today that I would get back to eating again. ALL my meals.
Hope to see you again soon, Debbie.

EarthLight Wed, Feb-26-03 20:46

Inspiring & Motivating - Yay, Debbie!
Yay, Debbie! I am SO glad you have that TRUE HOPE now. You are having such a positive impact - on others and yourself! Thanks for being here. :heart:

jessea Thu, Feb-27-03 15:18

Thank you for posting that story, Debbie, I am so happy for you!! You are an inspiration to us all. You worked really hard to get where you are today, and you deserve to feel great!!

Hearing stories like yours helps me to keep going!


kjturner Sun, Mar-02-03 05:17

Just plain WOW!

JohnnyD Wed, Feb-04-04 14:42

How long will it take!?

I have neen on the low carb for 6 weeks and although losing weight and liking the diet my CFS, arthritic, headaches, fog, tendonitis are the same. These conditions have plagued me for 13 years and I have tried everything in the book, except low carb diet.

cindy_cfid Fri, Apr-30-04 15:29

Toxins are stored in fat cells and as you release the fat you also release the toxins. So you will probably feel much worse before you feel better.
According to Dr.St.Amand (FM researcher) who suggests a low carb diet for hypoglycemia the following are forbidden foods (this is not a weight loss diet)

Sugar - honey - corn syrup or any sweetner ending in -ose
Fruit Juices - Dried Fruit - Bananas
Starchy Vegetables
Barley - rice - pasta - flour tortillas - tamales

MeezerMom Tue, Jun-15-04 08:43


You don't know how much reading your post meant to me. I have been fighting CFS since 1998, & it's gotten to the point that I was about ready to throw in the towel. I am getting homeopathic treatment now, & it was recommended to me to go on a low carb diet to aid in my recovery. Like you said, just walking across the house seems more than I can do on some days, forget exercising or working out...I am only on day three, & I am feeling half dead right now, but I expect it's my body rebelling against having no carbs, so your post was an inspiration that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!


puppetlady Tue, Jun-15-04 10:05

Dear Eve,
Hang in there !
YOu can get well,
I still struggle some days but do much better when I leave all the starchy sugary carbs alone. It may seem boring and impossible at first but it is much better then the pain and fatigue that it is worth it. Start a journal here if you want to .It is real easy and then I can come visit yours and you can come visit mine. I am not always here but I do check in quite often. YOu will find lots of great support.I just found a very simple but effective supplement that is helping with the fatigue so if you want to know more about it just e-mail me or stop by my journal and I can tell you more about it. PS. I don't sell it just use it. Hugs Debbie

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