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Dodger Thu, Jan-02-20 21:01

The annual 'best' diet results
Nothing unexpected in the ratings. The limit calories and eat carbs diets again made the nutritionists happy. And, of course, the low-carb eating plans came in at the bottom.

deirdra Thu, Jan-02-20 21:44

It kills me when nutritionists bash 16:8 intermittent fasting for being "dangerous" and "unnatural", when it is the way most humans ate until ~1980. Then they told us to eat 9-11 servings of carbs per day, spread out in mini meals every couple of hours to "keep your energy up". Their advice caused a surge in insulin resistance, obesity & T2 diabetes.

Ms Arielle Thu, Jan-02-20 22:46

Just watched Dr Westmanns presentation. LCHF beats other options easily at improving health. aka KETO.

CNN is not a source I trust.

serenityh Thu, Jan-02-20 23:02

That upsets me that they are bashing Keto. It just seems that they go into the symptoms of headaches, etc... which are at the beginning which not everyone gets. This is the keto flu and doesn't last long. They didn't give the full benefits.

tess9132 Fri, Jan-03-20 08:54

From the article
Why would diets that are considered good at helping drop weight quickly be ranked so badly overall?
"The 'best' way to lose weight fast is to do something very silly, unsustainable and arguably irresponsible. It's not truly best -- just fast," said Katz, who is the president of the True Health Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to health promotion and disease prevention

So let's quote an expert on keto who gets her funding from Barilla, Kind, and other high carb manufacturers.
As my kids would say, "Fake News!"

Grav Fri, Jan-03-20 11:46

There sure is a lot of expert opinion in that article. Which is ranked pretty much at the bottom of everybody's lists when it comes to weighing up the wider hierarchy of evidence.

Meme#1 Fri, Jan-03-20 12:50

Originally Posted by tess9132
From the article

So let's quote an expert on keto who gets her funding from Barilla, Kind, and other high carb manufacturers.
As my kids would say, "Fake News!"

Thanks for that link Tess, I think we all need to know and be familiar with the names of the enemies pushing the propaganda and Fake News!.

WereBear Fri, Jan-03-20 13:14

Originally Posted by deirdra
It kills me when nutritionists bash 16:8 intermittent fasting for being "dangerous" and "unnatural", when it is the way most humans ate until ~1980. Then they told us to eat 9-11 servings of carbs per day, spread out in mini meals every couple of hours to "keep your energy up". Their advice caused a surge in insulin resistance, obesity & T2 diabetes.

Last night I was remembering those Low Fat/High Exercise Days. When my first husband and I ran our own business from home, I got an exercise bike and that's how I started my day.

I would tape whole movies or two hour long TV shows (remember VHS :lol: ) and I would do 45 minutes of damn-cardio and 45 minutes of floor exercises like crunches, planking, Pilates, and Egoscue (which was the only one I liked) to cool down and finish the tape. Then a shower and I was ready to work.

I didn't want to spend the money, time, effort, parking, and watching commercials on random channels at the gym. Tapes meant I could fast forward through all those commercials, because it was so BORING to do this.

According to the book I followed at the time, The T-Factor Diet, all I had to do was keep under 25 grams of fat a day. And I did. Whole wheat toast with jam and NO butter for breakfast. Big bowl of pasta with tomato sauce with NO cheese for lunch. Dinner was a salad full of vegetables with a no-fat dressing full of sugar and a dry chicken breast.

Lo, the white cheddar rice cakes I grazed on. Once a week we, short on money, splurged at Wendy's and I ATE FAT in one of those value meals. (It wasn't good fat, I'm sure :lol: Still, it might have been good for me in avoiding long stretches of low low fat.) The rest of the time, I was strict.

Did it work? At first, it seemed to. My tummy was flatter, likely from the Pilates. I was carrying an extra 25-30, and I lost 10-15, enough for people to notice and my clothes to fit better. But then I had a high blood pressure problem from a kinked artery, and in order to wean off the medicine after a procedure fixed it (now that's modern medicine that WORKED) I had to REST. And eating that way made me go up at least an extra forty.

And trying to revive that a few years later drove me up 100 pounds, which I have since lost. On low carb!

Meme#1 Fri, Jan-03-20 13:30

All of the diets especially WW were this way.

25 grams of fat a day. And I did. Whole wheat toast with jam and NO butter for breakfast. Big bowl of pasta with tomato sauce with NO cheese for lunch. Dinner was a salad full of vegetables with a no-fat dressing full of sugar and a dry chicken breast.

Lo, the white cheddar rice cakes I grazed on.

Remember Snackwells, and being told to buy them because they were "healthy" but they were nothing but grain, chemicals and fake sugar.

What really use to raise red flags for me was WW insitance that people eat a yogurt with tons of infused sugar masking as "healthy fruits", every single morning. It's because with that diet, people weren't getting calcium from anywhere else because of the fear of fat.

Remember that fake plastic looking and tasting cheese they mandated you eat?

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