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glimmergai Fri, Nov-04-16 09:29

Thanksgiving Is Coming!
This is my first "eating" holiday as a Low Carber and my non LC (but pre-diabetic) mom will be joining us. I would love to get a thread going of your favorite LC recipes for the holidays like LC cranberry sauce? Can it be done? Green bean casserole LC style? What swaps, adjustments have you made to help LC-ers and non LC-ers dine together in peace and harmony.

bluesinger Fri, Nov-04-16 10:17

Do you have to go traditional? Celebrate with steak and lobster, or have a barbecue. IMO, traditional dishes are a trap, plain and simple, and trying to re-create them will only disappoint.

Verbena Fri, Nov-04-16 12:32

I tend to relax a bit over the holidays, eating more paleo than LC, though allowing dairy since I don't seem to have any issues with it. The carbs are higher than I usually eat, but I avoid sugar, grains, the more starchy veggies, and I limit my portions. I search my favorite food blogs, and over the last few years have collected a file of acceptable-to-me recipes. I usually add in a few of the family traditional dishes for the non LCers, but not so much anymore, since mashed celery root goes over just as well with my lot as mashed potato. I find that trying to make LC copies of old favorites is not always a successful idea, but, luckily, my family holiday traditional dishes were never terribly high carb to begin with - The big ones were mashed potato (celery root or cauliflower, or rutabaga are all acceptable instead), gravy (not that hard to make lower carb), stuffing (I found an interesting fruit and nut stuffing at Mark's Daily Apple that has gone over well; have also recently found one made with parsnips and mushrooms that looks interesting) and pumpkin pie (lots of LC recipes out there; I just make my traditional one, which the family loves, and limit myself to a tiny slice with lots of whipped cream. My choice, of course, and not necessarily a good one for anyone else.)
Going non traditional, as bluesinger says, is also an option. This year I will be roasting duck, as my brother does not like turkey.
As for cranberry sauce, this is one I've been making for more than 35 years (my father was still alive, and loved it). It's not for everyone, and my DH won't eat it, but the rest of the family loves it. 1/2 cup sugar is way too much IMO; I whittled that down to a spoonful of honey, and now use a sugar substitute; this is NOT meant to be sweet.

glimmergai Fri, Nov-04-16 13:25

Thanks so much, Verbena! and yes, bluesinger, because my mom is coming I have to go as close to traditional as possible. She is already difficult enough with the guilt trips. She said to me "well since you and your husband don't eat anything I didn't figure we were even going to DO Thanksgiving... :confused:

"She keeps saying things like "well a little gravy (made the regular way) won't hurt you..the fried onions in the green bean casserole won't hurt you" You get the general idea.. so I need to have a proactive plan for the dishes I am going to make and that is why I am reaching out to all of you LC culinary experts! :agree:

Meme#1 Fri, Nov-04-16 13:48

Well I can give you a long list of OP foods for Thanksgiving. But first, how much cooking do you want to do?

Verbena Fri, Nov-04-16 15:18

You could also give an idea of the "must haves", and we can brainstorm on the best ways to make them both Low Carb and Mother Friendly. You may also need to think about whether you will be able to make something that is "necessary" from Mom's point of view, but which you cannot/will not eat. Are you at a point where you can cook for others, but not eat it yourself?

Robin120 Fri, Nov-04-16 15:33

T-day is a lot of fun to low carb.

1. Turkey.....
2. Cranberry sauce- just sub Splenda for sugar. For twists, I like to add raspberries or strawberries
3. Mashed potato- mock cauli tatoes
4. Something green!
Best broccoli of your life (roasted with garlic and lemon/fresh parm- see recipe forum)
Roasted Brussels or green beans
Salad with roasted Brussels, bell peppers, onions, goat cheese and cider vinaigrette
5. Jicama "baked apples"
6. Pumpkin cheesecake

ETA- saw Meme mentioned a cheese/dip/etc plate
Mom ALWAYS sets out a big crudités plate with various dips, as well as cheese and cracker plate for every family get together. My DH and I go to visit/ have dinner at least every 2-3 weeks, but heaven forbid mom doesn't have the snacks out for the occasion :lol: :lol:
Obviously I just skip crackers. A dry salami could nice touch as well.

I think it's a great way to stay on plan for holidays- gives you something healthy to munch while you prepare for the main event.

Charms09 Fri, Nov-04-16 18:55

Here is what I was planning...not sure if it's for everyone but...

There will only be my husband, my mom & myself so i dont really have to fix much. Both he & my mom do not eat low carb... (hubby is considering it but I think he is waiting to see how I do).

I have zero issues fixing stuff for them that I will not eat (I do it daily lol).
My husband always smokes a turkey & it is beyond fabolous! So I will fix the normal GB Casarole, mashed potatoes, stuffing & pumpkin pie for DH & cheesecake for mom. Then & I will just feast of turkey & cauliflower mashed stuff & whipped cream! :D

However, if some of you guys that have been a LCer for awhile post some recipes that look promising I would be up for trying them out!

Great ides for a thread!!! :agree:

Meme#1 Fri, Nov-04-16 20:52

That green bean casserole was created by Campbell's Soup
company to make us buy their soup and they probably own the fried onions rings too! :lol:

I started this WOE a few weeks before Thanksgiving so here is what I do.

Green beans (fresh)with toasted slivered almonds in butter

Cauliflower casserole, I boil first, drain some, place in casserole with a butter, cream, parmesan cheese sauce; you can microwave the three ingredients and pour over plus top with more cheese and brown.

I made dressing/stuffing with Almond flour and nobody knew... :lol:

My all time fav for appetizer is spinach dip with 50/50 mayo&sour cream with chopped water chestnut, chopped green onions and lots of spices like onion and garlic salt etc.. I dip with celery and everyone else uses crackers.

More appetizers: A variety of cheeses is good.
Olives, baby dill pickles, marinated artichokes, pickled okra(we're southern) and baby corn (for them)

I hijacked the recipe from a high end deli/caterer called Eatzie. I use fresh whole cranberries in the bag. I add orange rind or (back in the day a little orange juice) and a sugar substitute, dash of cinnamon is good too. I also crumble pieces of pecans in it as the deli did. Everybody goes crazy over this.

The garlic mashed potatoes I make are literally 1/2 fat. I roast a whole head of garlic then pop each clove out and mash then add to the already mashed potatoes.
In the potatoes I use cream cheese, cream and butter all hot and melted when you add them. Let the others eat that!

glimmergai Sat, Nov-05-16 07:42

You could also give an idea of the "must haves", and we can brainstorm on the best ways to make them both Low Carb and Mother Friendly. You may also need to think about whether you will be able to make something that is "necessary" from Mom's point of view, but which you cannot/will not eat. Are you at a point where you can cook for others, but not eat it yourself?

Yes Verbena! I can cook for others and not eat a bite. I threw a gargantuan Halloween party chocked full of carbs foods and sugary punch and I never cheated. I also baked a three layer cake and didn't even take a lick of the frosting as I was decorating it, so I am really good with the willpower. This is the closest I have been to my goal weight in 27 years so I am not going to blow it!

For my family, standards are the seven layer salad which is LC, Turkey of course- we fry it
gravy- my mom is making that the standard way so I won't eat that
green bean casserole- was thinking I could make my own homemade cream of mushroom soup and fry some onion crispies in a coconut flour batter?
I already told my mom I would do the mashed cauliflower
Mom is making the dressing- but just a small pan for her and maybe my husband. He is a little more relaxed on his LC-ing
rolls- just going to warm up a four pack of crescents for mom and call that good.
Cranberry sauce- thanks so much for the suggestions
Anyone have an LC pumpkin cheesecake recipe?

Charms09 Sat, Nov-05-16 09:41

I make home made cream of mushroom soup for my green bean casserole! With fresh green beans & it is much tastier!

Meme~your Thanksgiving dinner sounds wonderful! yummy yummy!!!

Glimmer~good for you on the willpower! & what is a 7 layer salad?

Verbena Sat, Nov-05-16 10:37

Sounds like you have it pretty much covered! With the green beans - it would probably be a good idea to do a "dry run" before Thanksgiving to see how close you can get to the original. It sounds like your mom is fairly set in her ways, and may give you grief if it is too far off. If I were you (and, of course, I am not) I might make a small container of the original (for her, and possibly Hubby), and a larger one of a completely different veggie, non-traditional but LC and delicious. If that went over well than I might consider dropping the bean casserole entirely in a year or two. My family never got into the bean casserole at all (and DH is European, so his only version of Thanksgiving is what I have shown him), so I do our "Must Have", Brussels Sprouts (though not always the same recipe), and some other sort of veggie, whatever looks good at the market.

MickiSue Sat, Nov-05-16 11:32

My MIL tries to guilt me, but I don't let it matter. I figure, if I'm the cook, then I get to decide whether to make the traditional, carb laden pumpkin pie with a wheat flour crust, or make a different, but still delicious low carb one.

Here are some of my subs: I use AS in the cranberries: last year it was Splenda, this year it'll be cyclamate.

The pie is LC.

I never do the casserole with the green beans, so that's no problem. But you could just use a reduction of HWC with sautéed fresh mushrooms and sautéed onion rings, instead of floury canned soup and breaded onion rings. Me, I steam green beans from the garden, toast some slivered almonds in a dry pan, and toss them with plenty of butter.

I use HWC in both the mashed potatoes and the half and half mashed potato/sweet potato combination. I have always hated those disgusting candied sweet potatoes, so they've never been on my table.

I use xanthan gum. A half TBSP will thicken the gravy from a 15 lb turkey.

Last year, after seeing a photo of Ken's plate from the year before, I made deviled eggs as a side dish. They were a huge hit.

I let someone else buy and bring dinner rolls. And, for appetizers, I serve meats and cheeses. If you want to serve crackers with them, get some flackers, too, crackers made from flax seed. Just don't eat too many of them; they have a pretty strong laxative effect!

If I have a big glass of water at my place, drinking just a half glass of some nice dry wine is absolutely plenty!

And, for the day after, when we usually have company for breakfast, I make these: THE best waffles I have ever had, with or without grains.

glimmergai Sun, Nov-06-16 14:49

Glimmer~good for you on the willpower! & what is a 7 layer salad?

Thanks Charms 09, the seven layer salad is great because you can make it ahead of time. In fact, it is best the night before and set in the fridge over night. The bottom layer is iceberg lettuce, topped with celery, then frozen peas (they will thaw and keep the lettuce crisp if you make it the day before), cover completely with a layer of mayo, then green onions, then shredded cheddar cheese, then crispy bacon.

I might make a small container of the original (for her, and possibly Hubby), and a larger one of a completely different veggie, non-traditional but LC and delicious.
- Verbena, that is a great idea! Just might do that!

Oh yeah MickiSue- i am NOT doing the Campbell's soup version...blech! I never have been big into sweets, but I do like pumpkin and I actually found an LC pumpkin mousse recipe I think I will do for dessert! YUM! I think it was on a blog called the SugarFree Mom.

JEY100 Tue, Nov-08-16 18:15

The site formerly known as AboutLowCarb has a holiday menu for every holiday, many ideas for Thanksgiving here.
A super-simple LC cranberry sauce, but also consider her Cranberry Chutney too.

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