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esw Sat, Jan-31-15 09:14

Save recipes I like?
Is there someway once I find I recipe on here that I like, I can save it and find it easier? Can't fathom out the best way to go about this.

gonwtwindo Sat, Jan-31-15 12:29

Start a journal here by clicking on "New Thread" on the upper left. What I do is either 1) copy and paste recipes to my journal, and then link to my first post, or 2) copy the url of the recipe page, and link that to my first post in my journal.

Here's a link to my journal's first page (i.e., first post), so you can see what it looks like. Gon's first page

I've made notes to myself there as to how to how to post links to recipes and post pictures (on a Mac). If you don't have a Mac, or have more questions, here is a link to our site's instructions on our Tech board: Scroll down to "url Hyperlinking".

esw Sat, Jan-31-15 14:25

Thanks Gonwtwindo.
Following your advice I have indeed started a journal.
I have copied a recipe just as a practice. However I know that's not what you described and I don't want to be stealing credit for other people's lovely recipes (plagiarism)!
I'm afraid I just don't understand this url and copy links, just don't get it. I would ideally like to attach the recipe headings the same as you.
I could maybe ask some of my tech savvy family members when I next see them.
If me having posted a recipe this way is not appropriate I am happy for moderator to remove it.

gonwtwindo Sat, Jan-31-15 15:34

Yay on starting a journal!

LOTS of us copy recipes to our journals. You can give credit to the original poster...just say "from (name):"

The url is the web address in the bar at the top of your screen.

To get the url of an individual post (like the recipe you just posted in your journal), click on the post number on the upper right of the post. This opens it in a new window, by itself. THAT is the url you want to copy.

........................................................................ ..............................

To make a link for saving a recipe to your first post:

1) Highlight the url it by clicking on either end of it, but holding the mouse button down, and dragging your pointer across the url until the whole thing is highlighted. Release the mouse button. The highlighted color should still be visible.

2) Press the control key and the "C" key at the same time. That saves the url temporarily.

3) Go to the first post in your journal. Click "edit" to open a box. Click inside the box and then press the control key and the "V" key at the same time. Your should see the url.

4) Add [url = immediately before the url (deleting the space after [url), and add ] immediately after.

5) Immediately after the ] you just typed, type in the Recipe Name. Spaces between the Recipe Name words are OK, but no other spaces anywhere or your link won't work.

6) Add [/url] immediately after the last word in the recipe name.

7) Click "Preview Post" to check that you did it right. (Click on your link to see if the recipe page shows)

8) If it's correct, click "Submit Reply" and you're done!

........................................................................ ............................

Cross-post from your journal:
Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
Hi esw!

I just edited my instructions on your other post, so please reread.

Here is what your link should look like, for the Cauliflower Casserole recipe you posted above:

[url =]Cauliflower Casserole[/url] BUT WITH THE SPACE AFTER THE FIRST [url OMITTED. I had to leave a space so you could see the code and not the link.

How it looks with the space omitted:

Cauliflower Casserole

........................................................................ ..............................

That's probably the best explanation I can give. If you still don't get it, show this conversation to a tech-savvy friend...they'll be able to get you going!

Kristine Sat, Jan-31-15 19:42

Something that might be easier for you is what I do - just make bookmarks in your browser. I have a folder labeled 'recipes' and it's exactly that - different recipes from around the web. Of course, I actually write them down on recipe cards the old fashioned way and they're in a box in my kitchen. :lol: I usually bookmark them so I can go back and leave a comment or look up anything that I might not have jotted down on the recipe card.

esw Sun, Feb-01-15 04:52

Thanku for replies and support Gonwtwindo.
Once I started to think about the address bar it became clearer.
First recipe done!!
I was tempted by your suggestion Kristine but I love technology and don't like to be beaten by it!

FatFreeMe Thu, Mar-19-15 18:26

I do what Kristine does... Works good. The recipes aren't just from here :)

gonwtwindo Sun, Jun-07-15 19:13

Just ran across this thread can link any webpage as I described. Doesn't matter where it is from (i.e., not just from ALC)

I have a low carb recipe board on pinterest too.

Nancy LC Mon, Jun-08-15 09:11

I use to maintain a recipe box. I can link to recipes I find anywhere there, or post my own. Nice service! I think I pay $12 a year for it.

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