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Natrushka Wed, May-22-02 10:43

Some questions
Not much of a subject title - but accurate.

I've been thinking a lot about maintenance lately. Naturally, I have questions. Sometimes I think I'm jumping the gun, then there are times like now. I don't know how many pounds I have left to lose, but I know it's less than 20.

I have questions, and concerns. I'm trying to accept that my body will decide what an 'ideal' weight is for me. Typically when you get close to Maintenance you start increasing carbs; with Atkins you should know your CCLL. My carbs are already pretty damned high. I've had them higher - 90-100g - and still lost. Until very recently I thought that all the intense exercise I was doing was the primary cause of my fat loss, and when I eased up on it the loss would slow down and I would just increase calories to stop losing. That premise is in the process of being blown out of the water.

I stopped exercising last Friday. I increased calories and carbs. I've lost 8 lbs. I don't think I could eat much more than I am now.

Should I just ride it out and let my body decide when it reaches that "ideal" place? Increasing carbs I can do, a bit. I made a decision a long time ago that I wasn't going to eat grains, ever. Makes increasing carbs a little harder.

I like the way I eat.

I think I'm just looking for some reassurance that eventually the melt off will stop. The irony isn't lost on me. I can't believe this could prove to be a problem - I spent so long struggling to lose fat; now I'm worried I'm going to lose too much.


lisaf Wed, May-22-02 11:25

The melt off will stop! Think about it...if you are eating everything your body needs to run itself...exercise included... then it will evenutally find its "happy place". You can't possibly be starving yourself at this point. If you feel full, stop eating. If youdon't want to eat grains, don't. Your carbs are at a good level for you if you feel good and aren't craving and still have enough energy to get through a day.

Whatever is going on with your body can't last forever. Your body is not going to waste away on 2300 cals a day! Let it be...and it will decide when to stop.

You won't lose too much fat! To be honest, you'll know when you are close to ideal because people around you will start telling you to stop losing weight. I'm serious...I'll tell you, I promise!!!

Finally...I'm not sure anyone deliberately goes on maintenance. Does anyone ever set a goal weight and then not re-think it a million times? At some point you just say, hey wait a minute, I'm happy, the scales not moving but I feel good. Maybe I'll stay here a while and see what happens. And you do. And then you set new goals - either a lower weight or some fitness goals that aren't attached to the scale anymore. Its a huge shift in thinking and it takes time to wrap your head around it.

Natrushka Wed, May-22-02 11:35

Originally posted by lisaf
The melt off will stop! Think about it...if you are eating everything your body needs to run itself...exercise included... then it will evenutally find its "happy place". You can't possibly be starving yourself at this point. If you feel full, stop eating

Lisa, thanks for replying. Unfortunately, I was. 1900 - 2000 calories was 'starvation mode' - or at least "stressed mode" I wanted a metabolism and it looks like I got one.

The numbers don't mean much to me - I just want to be fit and healthy. But I want to be there now, yesterday, last week. I'm tired of losing fat, I want to be done with it. :rolleyes: And I don't want to inadvertently make the process last any longer than it has to by eating too little, or working out too much. Does that make sense? The past few days have been almost like my body saying to me "OK, look, let us take over for a while, you sure don't know what you're doing, we'll show you"

The next few weeks should prove interesting. You can bet I'll be picking your brain again ;)


tamarian Wed, May-22-02 12:03

I think it's a tough question, but here's my theory:

After a lenghty process of LCing and excercising, your body is a lean mean fat burning machine. It has reached it's optimum efficiency.

This state will continue for a while, no matter what you do. It has it's own inertia it seems

When I reached goal ~ 180, I noticed no matter how much I cheat, my metabolism handled it well. It went on for months like that, and I ended up being too care-free.

Eventually, your metabolism will slowly revert to the same state it was at, corresponding to your diet and activity level. It simply takes time to reach it's equilibrium.


Natrushka Wed, May-22-02 12:13

Makes sense, Wa'il. If you build it, it will burn ;)

While I've stopped the lifting for now, it's something I will maintain once I Maintain. Just so long as I don't wake up one morning and find I've whooshed myself into oblivion.

I suppose enjoying the fruits of the last 10 months work is feasible.

It's definitely a maintenance mindset, Raz.


gwilson38 Wed, May-22-02 17:42

hey Nat
You have been such a big help to me these last few weeks maybe its time I can comfort you. I actually had those same questions a couple months ago. It seemed every week I stepped on the scale I lost another pound yet I was increasing carbs and calories. Well of course U know the history of me quitting smoking hence my weight loss stopping. In your case, you have done such HARD work making your body a fat burning machine. It will do its own thing for awhile no matter what you do. I wouldnt be alarmed, you will stop losing weight before you become too thin. You realize that there are 1000's of people out there right now that would kill to be in your BTW what is bodyrx?

Natrushka Wed, May-22-02 17:54

Re: hey Nat
Originally posted by gwilson38
You realize that there are 1000's of people out there right now that would kill to be in your BTW what is bodyrx?

*lol* Gale, I still have fat to lose, no need to kill me just yet. The rate at which is has started coming off is just a little alarming. And I'm not wearing shoes ;)

BodyRx. Another adventure. On hold until I figure this thing out. Weight lifting, but based on periodization ( lifting more or less reps, heavier or lighter weights, with a goal to building mass then scuplting down to a fat burning machine - seems I got there on my own, hence the 'holding pattern')

BTW, I picked up Fat Wars on the weekend ;) You might like Body Rx. Reading Brad King made me think "Scott Connelly" (author of Brx).


gwilson38 Wed, May-22-02 18:14

I was just thinking
I wonder if your continued weight loss has something to do with the supplements U are taking? Example: a few years ago B 4 lowcarbing I started taking evening primrose oil and a product called Bee Pollen Energy. The weight just started falling off. I wasnt taking either one for weight loss, just for PMS and energy. I was alarmed. I went to the Doc he had no idea and sent me for test after test. I lost about 25 pounds in 3 months not changing my diet or exercise. Everything turned out ok except that I did put that weight back BUT please Nat if it continues to come off fast, mention this to your Doc, it maybe be something that needs to be treated......I will look for that book next time Im near a book store, thanks. [ Did U see a connection between Fat Wars and BFL?]

Natrushka Wed, May-22-02 18:44

Gale, thanks for the concern - I truly think it's the muscle finally doing it's thing (now that I have pulled myself from the driver's seat and let it). Supplement wise I've only been taking the 'fat burning stuff" (CLA, GLA and Green tea) for 2 weeks - not long enough by far. Wonder what will happen when IT clicks in too? :eek:

Fat Wars reminded me of Body Rx the most - same method of lifting. Food wise BFL, Body Rx and most other similiar programs are either 40/40/20 or 50/30/20 depending on the phase (cut or bulk).

I'm due for a visit to my Doc's soon - I have the lab sheet for some blood work - 4-6 weeks should do it for me. Interesting to see what all comes out in this wash.


LC Sponge Wed, May-22-02 19:09

I think what is being "discovered" here, is that no matter how much we want to think there are "rules" about weight loss or gain, metabolism or appropriate formulas for caloric intake - the revelation is simply: there aren't any. Every person writes their own rule book and even that changes daily, so they better use pencil.

I personally think that weight loss comes about purely from fretting about it. :) Or not.

Natrushka Wed, May-22-02 19:34

Thanks for the great advice, Lisa, Wa'il, Gale. It feels weird asking for help - I'm usually the one offering it :)


lisaf Thu, May-23-02 06:33

Great discussion...Nat...I think there's something else here that I just want to your body!!! I remember getting so accustomed to attending to every nuance that it was almost impossible to stop. Your body is seeking balance and doing what it needs to do to reach it. This is more of a SP approach...letting your body todecide where to rest and worrying less about calories and more about balance.

Clearly you have healed your you just need to help it stay that way.


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