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Kenny81 Fri, Jul-18-08 11:11

Allergic to yeast and loosing wieght
Hey! I recently found out that I am alergic to yeast and wheat, this was great news because I had been suffering undiagnosed for so long but bad news because now I have such a poor choice of foods to eat!

My problem is that im constantly loosing weight. Im a 27 year old man, 6 months ago I was eating 4000 calories a day (unaware of my alergies) but only made it to 12 and a half stone before it stopped rising. Now Ive lost a whole stone and im getting worried, Im extreamely thin! Ive been wheat free for 6 months as I had suspictions, and Ive read somewhere that yeast makes u gain weight.

If I cut out all the sugars and carbs that feed yeast surely they'll be nothing left of me? Is there any hope of me gaining wieght on this diet? I work as a carpenter and im really struggling at the moment, is there anyway I can increase the calories in this diet? Is eating lots and lots of rice my best option?

Thanks for your help!

capmikee Mon, Jul-21-08 11:30

Originally Posted by Kenny81
If I cut out all the sugars and carbs that feed yeast surely they'll be nothing left of me? Is there any hope of me gaining wieght on this diet? I work as a carpenter and im really struggling at the moment, is there anyway I can increase the calories in this diet? Is eating lots and lots of rice my best option?

You don't actually need any sugars and carbs yourself. You can get all your calories from fat. If you want to gain weight, you need protein. Carbs only help you put on fat - they won't ever build your muscles or your organs. Your body can also convert excess protein to glucose if you need more calories.

It sounds like you might have celiac. When you have celiac, your immune system attacks and destroys your intestinal vilii, which are like tiny hairs that absorb nutrition from your food. It can take a very long time to rebuild your gut. Candida also does a number on your gut, boring holes through your tissue as it spreads. Both of these injuries require protein to rebuild, and a long, long time to heal. Most people with gluten problems need about 3 years to recover fully.

I suggest you eat a LOT of protein if you want to gain weight. Don't use shakes, though - most of those are made from soy or whey, which can also cause allergy problems. You're going to need some steak, eggs, chicken and fish. Get to know a butcher! One thing that is really worth the effort is making soup stock. Fill up a big pot with chicken bones (either a whole chicken or a carcass left over from a roast is fine), throw in some onions and celery, cover with water and simmer for a whole day. Soup stock can be used to make all kinds of sauce as well as soup, and it contains protein in a very easily digestible form.

You also need all the help you can get with digesting your food. Lacto-fermented foods like homemade sauerkraut are rich in enzymes that can help. You can also take probiotic and enzyme supplements.

One more thing, and you probably don't want to hear this: You may have other food sensitivities that are holding you back. Dairy is a very common one, but the other big ones are soy, eggs, shellfish, peanuts and tree nuts. Did I miss any?

A "wheat allergy" can also mean a gluten sensitivity - if it's the gluten you're allergic to, then you must also avoid rye, barley, and all the different forms of wheat: durum, semolina, graham, spelt, kamut, triticale, and einkorn. And you have to avoid hidden gluten in foods like soy sauce and MSG.

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