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Moselle Sat, Apr-12-08 11:47

Moselle's Exercise Log
My gym is the Jewish Community Center, so it's closed today. (I recommend the JCC for those of you looking for a gym. It's inexpensive, you don't have to be Jewish to join, and there's usually a lot of old or unfit people working out, so it's not embarrassing, like it can be to go into a gym full of muscled, ripped 24-year-olds.)

So I did a yoga tape I rented. It was such torture, and there were so many poses I couldn't do even a little bit, that I think I'll wait till I've got some of the weight off before I attempt yoga again. Still, I did some exercise today!

Moselle Mon, Apr-14-08 12:15

Worked out at the gym. Today was delts & pecs day. I also tried a machine for abdominals; I don't think they had it before. I did 40 reps.

Moselle Tue, May-10-11 10:25

Well, I haven't used this much, but I have exercised sometimes and not recorded it here. I'm going to start keeping track, however.

I did the sitting-down version of Bodyflex yesterday and today. Will get back to my gym (I've been there once so far) tomorrow.

Moselle Wed, May-18-11 15:51

Well, oops. But I did finally get back to the gym today.

15 minutes on the treadmill at 2.2 mph
4 weight machines: legs

It was a real workout, the first I've had in just over a year. Feels good, though.

Moselle Sat, Aug-13-11 11:40

I haven't gotten back into an exercise routine yet, but I will. It may take a while, but it will happen.

I have some excuse: the heat has been horribly overpowering. Also, I've been buying some boxes of books for online selling, and hoisting those boxes around is plenty of strenuous exercise. Actually, I have some boxes in storage that I'm going to get out and bring home one day this week, since we're supposed to have a couple of slightly cooler days this week. Once I've gotten that done, I'm getting back into the gym.

Anyway, this morning I did the Bodyflex routine for the first time in a while. I'm going to strive to do it regularly from now on. I need to form better habits in all areas of life.

Moselle Sun, Aug-14-11 14:13

Did Bodyflex this morning.

Then after breakfast, I went to the storage unit and got everything out of it. It only took two trips, but when I got home I was soaked in sweat. And I haven't taken it all out of the car yet. *whimper* But I'll probably do that late at night when it's cooler.

In the next couple of days I'll get more shelves, then once I've shelved all these things it'll be time to get back to the gym.

Moselle Tue, Aug-16-11 10:59

Didn't do my Bodyflex yesterday. I woke up and was too ravenous to put off eating. I suppose I could have done it later, but I didn't think of it; I've had a recurring cold this summer and it kept me unenergetic all day.

Today, however, I started the day with Bodyflex.

Moselle Sun, Sep-25-11 13:55

Well, this is pathetic. But I'm not giving up. The last couple of weeks I've been in the grip of a terrible cold. I actually went to a doctor in case it was bronchitis or some such, but he said it wasn't. The last few days I've just felt down and couldn't do much. Also, my ankle hurt, maybe because of the weather. I ached all over, actually, and resolved to go off sugar again for the winter so that arthritis won't keep me miserable the whole time.

I did take my vitamins the last two days or so, which might be why today I woke up feeling great! I got up, took a shower, and did my Bodyflex. Then after an LC breakfast I went to the gym! It has been months since I went there. I kept meaning to, but - well, it's been a rough summer.

I only did a brief workout, which is what I've been planning all along. Five minutes on the stationary bike, then biceps and triceps curls and some crunches on this machine that makes them very challenging.

See, the last time I went to the gym I did a tough workout and couldn't move for three days, so I decided that next time I'd do small workouts about five times a week for two weeks before doing another serious workout. And I did!

And when I got home, I put an LC lunch in the oven and then did the dishes! I'm a terrible housekeeper so this is a big deal. I had the energy to do some cleaning without having to kick myself in the rear.

EDIT: I was going to say, the pain over the last few days renewed my determination to get the weight off. I know there'll be a lot less pain if my poor joints and my injured ankle don't have to carry so much more than they were intended to.

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